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A-10 aircraft 503 “Able Archer 83” exercise 621–622 ABM Treaty (see Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty) Aboimov, Ivan P. rebuffs U.S. on intervention in Romania 68, 665 Abrams tank 502 Abrasimov, Petr A. replacement of, demanded by Honecker 57 Adenauer, Konrad 359 Advance of forces, rate of 47 Advisers, Soviet 8 Afghanistan, invasion of 49, 56, 438 Romanian opposition to 49, 435, 437 Africa 356 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) 503 Air defense 19, 261, 414, 503 AirLand Battle 507, 516 assessed by Ivashutin 500, 506 assessed by Kulikov 59–60, 513 significance of 60 Akhromeev, Sergei F. and exchange of data 592–593 on Gorbachev defensive doctrine 60–61, 556, 560–561, 572–573, 579–581, 628 on perestroika 579 Albania 3, 155, 545 and chemical-free zone proposal 526–527 disparaged by Stalin 16 dispute with Soviet Union 16–17, 108–115, 177–178, 192–194 excluded from Warsaw Pact councils 19, 27 possible re-admission to Warsaw Pact meetings 27, 600 leaves Warsaw Pact 37 advocates nuclear sharing 27 Party of Labor 108, 110 as signatory of the Warsaw Pact 3 Ålborg 150 Alert times (see also Warning times) 17, 47, 501 Almaz 2 guidance system 414 Alsfeld 470 AMX 30B2 tanks 503 Andreev, A.M. 108 Andrei, Stefan 486, 489, 494, 495 Andropov, Iurii V. 83 assessment of NATO 472–479, 483–484 anddecisiontoinvadeAfghanistan 56 and independent arms policy 490, 491 likelihood of nuclear war 56, 469 and Solidarity crisis 458–459 succeeds Brezhnev 56 Ansbach 553 Antall, József 678 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) 535, 542, 543 Antonov, Aleksei 133, 135 Arabs as Soviet clients 33, 44 Aristov, Boris 458 Arms control (see also Disarmament and individual countries ) discussed by foreign ministers 53 Geneva talks (INF) 58, 61–62 and Gorbachev 59, 61 input by Warsaw Pact members 55, 59 Arms race 46, 48, 55, 61, 73 Arms reductions (see also Reductions of forces) 4, 420, 569 “Assault Breaker” reconnaissance system 503 Austria 132, 164 collusion with NATO seen 23 neutrality of 3, 5, 98, 634, 162 violation of 23, 118, 189–190 Austrian State Treaty 3, 5 Axen, Hermann 498 B-1B bomber 513 Bad Hersfeld 470 Bahr, Egon 519 Baibakov, Nikolai 456 Balance, strategic (see also military balance under NATO and Warsaw Pact) 3, 5, 11, 45, 47, 62–63, 170, 507, 508, 511, 625 assessed by NATO 59 assessedbyEastGermanintelligence 59 assessed by FRG 59 and conventional forces 62, 69 diminished importance of 58 during Solidarity crisis 54 and East German membership in Warsaw Pact 69 nonmilitary determinants of 46, 58 and offensive nuclear weapons 59 tilting 37, 46, 48, 59, 69 Balkans 505, 583 chemical weapons-free zone 59, 526, 527 in Warsaw Pact strategy 23 Balluku, Beqir 110–111 letter to Grechko 16 Baltic Sea 132, 143, 408, 516, 517, 524 Bamberg 552 Barański, Wojciech 146 Bargaining power, influence 18 Bases, foreign closuresought32,225,435,437, 521 Batov, Pavel 135 “Bean Counting” 1, 46 Belgium 105, 147, 148, 149–151, 182 planned defeat of by the Warsaw Pact 23 Belorussian Military District 147 Beran, Oldřich 125 Berlin 150, 189 May 1987 PCC meeting 61 1988 Honecker–Ceaușescu meeting 65 West German claim to 332, 335 707 Index Berlin Crisis (1958–1962) 13–19, 100, 102, 116, 122, 140 as example of unilateral Soviet action 210 and risk of war 16–19 settlement of 13, 15 Berlin Wall 102, 120, 126–128, 129, 131, 464 building of 18–19 collapse of 67, 68, 664 Bern 520 Bielefeld 150 Bílina 316 “Bison” exercise (1971) 380–381 “Black Lion” exercise (1957) 97 Black Sea 505 “Blue Lion” exercise (1958) 97 Bodnăraș, Emil 333–338, 367, 369, 370, 378 Bonn 132, 464, 477, 496, 533 “Bordeaux” (East German spy) 404, 405 Borders, inviolability of 42 Bordziłewski, Jerzy 146 Brandt, Willy 366 and Ostpolitik 42, 358–362 Bratislava 306, 516 Brest 408 Brazil nonproliferation proposal 183 “Brezhnev Doctrine” 37–38, 68 characterized by Orzechowski 58 renunciationbyGorbachev58, 64 and Soviet nonintervention in Poland 55, 63 Brezhnev, Leonid at January 1965 PCC meeting 184–187 at July 1966 PCC meeting 32, 225–236 at April 1967 Karlovy Vary meeting 237–241 and Afghanistan 49 ailing health 44, 49, 55 becomes Warsaw Pact commander -in-chief 49 conciliates Romanians 26–27, 32, 179 CSCE a high priority for 43 and Czechoslovak crisis 294, 298 death of 55–56 and détente 42, 45 expects Romania’s with...
