In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix I received support and assistance from many in writing this manuscript. For their guidance and advice, I want to thank Richard A. Steigmann-Gall, Shelley O. Baranowski, Elizabeth M. Smith, and Alison Fletcher. Marius Turda and Paul Weindling provided both invaluable judgment and sharing of information. I am indebted to both Marius and Nóra Vörös for their patience and careful editing. There are numerous librarians and archivists to whom I am grateful for their assistance: Anja Adelt (Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart), Andreas Grunwald (Hauptstaatsarchiv, Berlin), and Jonathan Hartnett, Vincent Slatt, and Ron Coleman (all at the United States Holocaust and Memorial Museum). I am further indebted to Kent State University ’s interlibrary loan department for handling dozens of my requests. Of the authors whose work I have cited throughout the text, William H. Schneider, Michael G. Kenny, Douglas A. Starr, and Pauline M. H. Mazumdar were especially helpful. For their advice and encouragement, I am further indebted to my colleagues and friends Monika Flaschka and Erika Briesacher, and my family and Zachary for their moral support. A C K NO W L E DG E M E NT S med_04___ok.indd 9 2011-12-18 20:20:07 med_04___ok.indd 10 2011-12-18 20:20:07 ...
