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List of Illustrations/figures Figure 1.1: Evolution of Capital-Output Ratios, Cameroon, 1960-2003..................12 Figure 2.1: The Evolution of Export Earnings as a % of GDP (1971/72 - 1995/96)......................................................................................30 Figure 2.2: The Evolution of Coffee, Cacao and Banana Export Earnings as a % of GDP (1971/72 - 1995/96) ...........................................................31 Figure 2.3: The Evolution of Coffee, Cocoa and Banana Export Earnings as a % of Total Export Earnings (1971/72 - 1995/96) .............................31 Figure 2.4: The Evolution of Export Prices of Coffee, Cocoa and Banana (1971/72 - 1995/96) .........................................................................32 Figure 6.1: Sector output growth (billion CFAF)........................................................104 Figure 8.1: Density Curves of Logs of Food Expenditures per Adult-equivalent According to Household Areas of Residence .............164 Figure 16.1: Misalignment of the CFA Franc in Cameroon. 1972-96 ......................341 Figure 17.1: Cameroon: External Debt Indicators, 1975-97 ......................................349 Figure 17.2: Cameroon: Public Investments, 1982-97 ...............................................355 Figure 19.1: The Evolution of Tax Share in Total Revenue and GDP, 1975-2004 ......................................................................................................382 Figure 19.2: Estimates of Cameroon's Informal Economy Using the Guttman and Tanzi Methods ..............................................................391 ...
