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SNAIL MAILTOTHE CORINTHIANS Smudged with algae and cattail lint, the dark glass of the pond no longer shows my face. Gullible summer—misled again into September’s seedy cul-de-sac. Faithful ants keep moving mountains, yellow jackets whet their apple-sweetened brass, and wind chimes, after the dog days’ lull, shiver back into a routine descant. But I’ve given up on the garden, those scrawny plants panting for rain— the early tenderness that bolted, the Romas that burned while I fiddled with wayward words. There’s another huge mistake beneath the lilac: one spore, bloated on moonlight, imagining itself as manna. I heft it like the head of a puffed-up prophet, to lob it through buckthorn and trumpet-vine, that no-gardener’s-zone between my deranged lavender and the niceties the neighbor keeps in line. So, which corner of the testament have I painted myself into this time?Which emporium of verse have I bullied my meaning through?  Overhead, the walnut dangles its intentions, a surge of sweetmeat over-packed in enough hard layers to knock even a leery woman loony. That’s love in a nutshell, I think— and scribble down another clumsy revelation from the garbled Greek, another valentine I only send in autumn’s mistranslation.  ...
