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101 APPENDIX 4 Supplementary Material THE ZIMBABWE WOMEN’S CHARTER Preamble We, the women of Zimbabwe, as full citizens representing over half of the Zimbabwean people Having contributed equally to the development of the nation throughout its history Having contributed equally to the struggle for the independence of our nation Having suffered oppression through patriarchy, custom and tradition, colonialism, racism, male-dominated totalitarianism and capitalism Finding ourselves still discriminated against in all aspects of national life – legal, political, economic and social, cultural and religious As workers in every sphere of national life As the mothers of the people and of future generations Claiming the birthright of every human being to have freedom and equality Demand‡ Constitutional, legislative and policy measures that actively address gender imbalances .‡ Recognition of our role in the foundation and development of the country.‡ Full and equal participation in all aspects of national life.‡ Freedom from all oppression.‡ Full and equal rights in the legal, political, economic, social and cultural framework of our nation.‡ The removal of discrimination against women in all aspects of public, corporate and private life.‡ $IÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQZKHUHQHFHVVDU\WRULJKWWKHLQMXVWLFHVRIWKHSDVWDJDLQVW women and to give women equal partnership in the future.‡ Guarantee of safety of person and property and active measures to end violence against women.‡ A plan of action, a time frame for implementation and a realistic allocation of QDWLRQDOUHVRXUFHVWRIXOÀOWKHVHREMHFWLYHV 102 Shemurenga: The Zimbabwean Women’s Movement 1995-2000 Equality and Non-Discrimination‡ Women claim full equality with men in all aspects of national life. Their right to constitutional, legal, political, economic and social equality is unalienable and indivisible. To achieve equality, the nation, in all its organisational aspects, must recognise the oppression and disadvantages women have suffered and rectify this LPEDODQFHWKURXJKDIÀUPDWLYHDFWLRQSROLFLHV,QDGGLWLRQQRQGLVFULPLQDWLRQ against women should be enshrined in the Constitution and in all domestic law as DQXQTXDOLÀHGMXVWLÀDEOHDQGQRQGHURJDEOHSULQFLSOH‡ The principle of equality between women and men should be addressed in all legislation and policy instruments and additional legislation developed to rectify the imbalances of the past.‡ 7KHUHVKRXOGEHDMXVWLÀDEOH%LOORI5LJKWVLQDQHZ&RQVWLWXWLRQWRSURWHFWKXPDQ rights and this should include a clear and unambivalent statement on full equality for women.‡ The government should not only legislate for but also promote equality in all aspects of the public, corporate and private life of the nation.‡ Legislation enshrining any principle of inequality or any form of repression towards women should be immediately repealed or amended.‡ Women should have equal rights within the family, equal rights to custodianship of children and equal rights in budgetary and family planning decisions.‡ The equal right to basic livelihood is mandatory and to achieve this women demand full equality at work, equality amongst siblings in distribution of inheritance, equal right to land and equal right of access to other natural resources and capital. There should be appropriate legislation, allocation of resources and steps to monitor and implement this.‡ Female and male family members must be accorded equal rights to inheritance, including inheritance of land and housing.‡ Women have the right to housing, social welfare and education.‡ The state has an obligation to educate its people on their rights to equality, both before the law and in all aspects of society.‡ Measures should be taken to encourage the media to present positive portrayals of women that are not based on gender stereotypes.‡ Women should be equally represented at all levels of local and national government and all policy-making boards and institutions.‡ Adequate budgetary resources must be allocated to ensure equality and non-discrimination .‡ Whilst fully respecting the role culture and religion play in family and all other as- [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 12:26 GMT) 103 Appendix 4 pects of life, these must not undermine the attainment of full equality between men and women in the public and private sphere.‡ To ensure enforcement of such rights, a gender sensitive justice delivery system must be cultivated by the state to ensure that women can access their constitutional rights. Law and Administration of Justice‡ The principle of equality for all in areas and aspects of life, including national life must be supported, protected and advanced by laws that actively confer equality of rights and opportunities on women and the girl child. Equality for all must be supported by a gender...
