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99 embodiment of embeddedness What if you thought that the best way to cross a wall was to systematically destroyeverythingonthesidewhereyouare,andoppositetowhereyouwanted to be? And what if, after a while, you felt you ought to be all the way through, since nothing at all was left anymore on your side; but what if when you lifted your head you found that you were not only still in transit, but embedded halfway, stuck in the wall? That red overhead would not be the color of a new sky, then, but rather the tint of brick; and you are not seeing a new world, but thethicknessinwhichyouaresunken,incross-section.Ineffect,youareburied alive! You cry out in a characteristic manner: “So this is how a white corpuscle must feel when improperly lodged in an inappropriate artery!” Some doctors are going by then; to them you cry out that you are engaged in useful and productivemedicalresearch.Butwhentheyhearvoicescomingoutof thewall, the doctors go off to the doctor’s, to get their heads examined. And to the left and right, despite the fact that you are stuck head first, you hear the clanging of gates; the shuffling footsteps of people going in and out; or else, worse, the sound of open gates simply swinging back and forth, opening, in the wind. ...
