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INDEX Adenauer, Konrad, 11, 12, 29, 96, 107, 221, 252n40; perpetrator profile created by, 11–12, 14, 17–18, 196, 223, 246, 289n6 Allers, Dietrich, 50, 52, 139–140, 141, 161, 262n59, 275n45 American National Military Tribunal at Nuremberg (NMT), 24, 193, 196, 246, 292 Arad, Yitzhak, 170, 249n7, 250n9, 250n12, 279n128 Arend (no first name provided), 186 Arendt, Hannah, 23 Arndt, Adolf, 207, 286n57 Assenmacher (no first name provided), 276n73 Atlantic City, NJ, 126 Auschwitz-Birkenau, 6, 8, 24, 27, 35, 46, 75, 129, 170, 212, 220, 227, 248, 279n137; and the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, 96, 111, 114, 115, 117, 214, 221, 269n72; and Red Army Faction justification of violence, 290n12 Bad Harzburg, conference of state justice ministers, 26, 205, 226 Bari, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, 96, 104, 141, 143, 146; testimony concerning Bari’s personality, 108–10 Baruch, Abraham, 137 Bästlein, Klaus, 209 Bauer, Erich, 36, 38, 48, 49, 126, 128, 129, 138, 140, 145, 148, 151, 152, 156, 179, 180, 246, 273n15, 276nn 69–70, 276n73, 276n82, 277n90 Bauer, Fritz, 290n9 Beckmann, Kurt, 138 Begleibter, David, 127, 129 Beling, Ernst, 263n91 Belzec death camp, 4–5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 71, 72, 73, 78, 132, 133, 134, 151, 159, 161, 166, 170, 186, 245, 261n47, 262n51, 262n54, 266n25, 274n29; as forerunner to Sobibor and Treblinka, 6, 7; dismissal of indictment against seven camp guards, 59–62, 153, 163, 165, 167, 223, 227, 248, 263n91, 266n10, 278n107; forced labor camp at, 134; indictment of camp guards, 56–59, 248; investigation into, 33, 35–56, 74, 76, 77, 103, 132, 139, 147, 247, 249n8; number of Jewish fatalities at, 250n12; outcomes of Belzec and Sobibor trials compared, 187–89, 259n14, 279n131; outcomes of Belzec and Treblinka trials compared, 102, 122–23; sketch of, 43; and trial of Josef Oberhauser, 62–70, 191, 210, 221 Berger, Peter, 220, 254n61 Berlin Document Center, 45, 46, 51 Bernburg mental hospital, as T-4 killing center, 3, 7, 52, 62, 63, 64, 84, 89, 90, 141, 147, 149, 151, 156, 249n3 Best, Werner, 108, 289n6 Beyer (no first name provided), 150 Bialowicz, Felix, 135 Bialowitz, Symcha (Simcha), 127, 176, 183, 184 Bialowitz, Philip, 172–73, 176, 277n90, 277n94 Bialy, Leon, 127 Bick, Max, 81 Bilo (no first name provided), 121 Biskiewicz, Jakob, 141, 150, 173 Biskobicz, Jakob, 150 Black Book, The, 38, 125, 246, 266n10 Blankenburg, Werner, 46, 78, 140, 141, 261n47 Blatt, Thomas, 127, 133–35, 141, 176 Blaurock (no first name provided), 151 Bloch, Felix, 24 Bodessa (no first name provided), 142, 275n57 Bolender, Kurt, 129, 130, 131–32, 138, 141–43, 144, 145–47, 151, 152, 155, 161, 162, 175, 185, 274n37, 276n82, 280n154; and errors in witness recall, 176, 180, 273n22; suicide of, 187, 280n157 Index 304 bomb plot conspiracy of July 20, 1944, 108, 197, 245, 282n11 Bomba, Abraham, 75, 76, 105 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 13, 198 Bradfisch, Otto, 32 Brandenburg mental hospital, as T-4 killing center, 3, 7, 52, 63, 64, 78, 145, 147, 151, 249n3 Bredow, Paul, 75, 273n15 Broszat, Martin, 221, 256n71, 271n122 “brown book,” 188, 281n167 Browning, Christopher, 249n5, 280n146 Brüning, Heinrich, 192 Bubis, Schlomo, 127, 129 Buchenwald concentration camp, 35, 40, 77 Bucher, Ewald, 208 Buchheim, Hans, 113, 114–15 Bundestag, 20, 207, 208, 209, 224; law committee of, 206, 207, 208, 285n57 Canaris, Wilhelm, 13, 198, 227 Caracas, Venezuela, 117 Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation , 25 Central Office of the State Judicial Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Violence Crimes (the Central Office), 18, 19, 189, 209, 221, 258n26, 259n14, 286n66, 291; begins its investigations, 28–29, 247; creation and jurisdiction of, 16, 24–27, 205, 247, 254n57, 256n7, 257n15, 290n9; establishment of “special commissions” by. See special commissions; and investigation of the Belzec death camp, 35, 38–47, 50–56; and investigation of the Sobibor death camp, 125–44; and investigation of the Treblinka death camp, 72–84; obstacles to, 29–33 Chancellery of the Führer, 2, 3, 47, 51, 53, 78, 84, 85, 88, 90, 91, 94, 107, 139, 249n3, 249n5, 261n47, 292 Charitable Foundation for Institutional Care, 53, 78, 85, 86, 89, 96, 145, 160 Chelmno death camp, 2–3, 27, 36, 75, 247 Chorandzicki (no first name provided), 111, 112 “Christmas” amnesty, 252n42 Chronology, 245–48 “civil rights of honor” (bürgerliche Ehrenrechte ), 219, 288n105 collective guilt thesis, 9, 12, 252n29 Columbus House, 89, 157, 277 conference of state justice ministers, 29–30, 205, 247 conspiracy, legal doctrine of, 196, 286n70...
