In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CONTENTS Preface [ vii ] Introduction [ 3 ] Ed PiacEntino Henry Junius Nott and the Roots of Southern Frontier Humor [ 18 ] Ed PiacEntino Hysterical Power Frontier Humor and Genres of Cultural Conquest [ 42 ] JEnnifEr a. HugHEs “Bawn in a Brier-patch” and Frontier Bred Joel Chandler Harris’s Debt to the Humor of the Old South [ 60 ] grEtcHEn Martin From Swamp Doctor to Conjure Woman Exploring “Science” and Race in Nineteenth-Century America [ 86 ] BrucE BlansEtt Sherwood Bonner and the Postbellum Legacy of Southwestern Humor [ 104 ] KatHryn McKEE “I wa’ n’t bawn in de mash to be fool’ by trash!” Mark Twain’s “A True Story” and the Culmination of Southern Frontier Humor [ 131 ] tracy WustEr Morphing Once Again From Jack to Simon Suggs to Aunt Lucille [ 154 ] WinifrEd Morgan [ vi ] contEnts Anancy’s Web/Sut’s Stratagems Humor, Race, and Trickery in Jamaica and the Old Southwest [ 171 ] JoHn loWE Postmodern Humor ante Litteram Self-Reflexivity, Incongruity, and Dialect in George Washington Harris’s Yarns Spun [ 193 ] MarK s. grayBill The Real Big Kill Authenticity, Ecology, and Narrative in Southern Frontier Humor [ 210 ] JaMEs E. BisHoP Contributors [ 225 ] Index [ 229 ] ...
