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EPILOGUE Several yearsago, the editors of Who's Who inAmerica invited those individuals profiled in that volume to submit a personal closing statement under the rubricof "Thoughts on MyLife." The statement was supposed to be a succinct autobiographical summaryof the "principles, goals, ideals , and values that have been guidelines for success and achievement." Most individuals declined this unusual invitation, but a fewtook up the challenge, and their statements appear in italics following their formal list of degrees, honors, and publications. I thought long and hard about what I might say, but secure in the knowledge that few if any of my colleagues or students would ever see how I evaluated my career,and with the added comfort of believing that anyone who really knew me would not really be surprised anyway, I composed the following: "As a psychoanalytic folklorist, my professional goals are to make sense of nonsense, find a rationale for the irrational , and seekto makethe unconscious conscious." Ibother to put this academic credo here because it is my sincere hope that the essays contained in this volume effectively represent some of my best efforts to reach the goals I set for myself. This page intentionally left blank ...
