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13 An Introduction to the History of the Chief Kingdoms and States now in EUROPE. u chapt e r i u Of the Ancient Monarchies, and more especially of the Roman, out of whose Ruines arose several Kingdoms and States.§1. No Man of Common Sense, imagines, that at the first Propagation of Mankind, there were such Governments as are among us at this time. But in those Times each Father, without being Subject to any Superiour Power, governed his Wife, Children and Servants, as a Sovereign. Nay, it seems very probable to me, that even to the time of the Deluge, there was no Magistracy, or any Civil Constitution; but that the Government was lodged only in each Father of his Family. For it is scarce to be imagined, that such abominable Disorders could have been introduced, where the Power of Magistrates and Laws was exercised: And it is observable , that after once the Rules of Government were Constituted, we do not find that Mankind in general did run into the same Enormities, of which God Almighty was obliged to purge the World by an Universal Punishment, though the Root of the Evil was remaining as well after as before the Deluge. It seems also, that for a Considerable time after the Deluge this Paternal Government continued in the World. The most ancient State of Mankind. 14 chapter i§2. But the reason why the Fathers of Families left this Separate way of living, and joyned in a Mutual civil Society, seems to be, That among the Neighbouring Families, sometimes Quarrels used to arise, which being often decided by Force, drew along with them very great Inconveniencies , to prevent which, it was thought necessary for the Preservation of Peace and Quietness among Neighbours, to referr the Decision of such Matters to the Judgment of some of the wisest and most Considerable among them. After the increase of Mankind, it was also easily to be observed, how difficult it would prove for a Single Family to defend itself against the Joint Conspiracy of a malicious Party, to Oppose which, the Neighbours living so near, as to be able to assist one another in case of Necessity, did enter into a Society Mutually to defend themselves against their Common Enemies. That they might do this with the better Success, the Administration of the whole Society was committed to him, who appeared most Considerable for his Wisdom and Valour. It is also very Probable that such as by Common Consent sought out new Habitations, chose a Leader, who both in their Journey , and in the Country, which they possessed themselves of, had the chief Direction of Affairs: And this office of a Judge, Head, or Leader by degrees degenerated [changed] into that sort of Government, which Aristotle calls Heroical, which is nothing else but a Democracy under the Authority of one of the Citizens, who has a Power rather to Advise than to Command the rest. And this seems to be the most ancient Form of Republicks: for the Fathers and Rulers of their Families could not so soon forget their Liberty, as not to Reserve to themselves a share in the Government by which their Consent was required to be given unto all Matters, which were to be decreed in the Name of the whole Society.§3. But at what time precisely these Societies were first Instituted, and which of them is to be esteemed the most Ancient, is not easie to be determined; for though commonly the Assyrian Empire is taken for the first Monarchy, yet it is not from hence to be con-cluded, that 1. A reference to the millenarian four monarchies (Assyrian/Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, Roman) scheme of human history based on chapters 2 and 7 of the Old Testament book of Daniel. The Original of Civil Societies. At what time the first States were constituted. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 18:11 GMT) of the ancient monarchies 15 the same was the first civil Society; since it is evident that this Empire acquired its Greatness by swallowing up Lesser States. And those Wars which the Assyrian Kings waged against other States, do abundantly testifie, that besides the Assyrian, there were also other Civil Societies even at that time in the World. And here is to be observed, that as all human Affairs do not come immediately to Perfection, so were the first Institutions of Civil Society very...
