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266 u d e f i n i t i o n x i x u By the effect of a moral action is meant that which is produced by it. 1. 2. The formal effect of actions. The material effect. 1. We are here considering primarily the effect of good and bad actions as such, and this is either formal or material; and again, the former is either internal or external. The internal effect of a good action is the approbation of conscience which follows, and gives itself sweet joy in the recollection of that act. The internal effect of a bad action is the condemnation of conscience which follows, and theperturbationof themind,anxiouslyheld fast in contemplation of the evil deed, and shamefacedlyturningawayfrom those who know of it. The external effect of a good action is the approbation of it on the part of good men, and principally on the part of him who commanded that action; likewise, the good esteem and honour. The external effect of a bad action is the disapproval on the part of him who forbade it, and of other good men; likewise, the evil repute and ignominy. 2. The material effect of a good action, proļ¬table and not owed,ismerit; of an evil, demerit. Of these the former is recompensed by a reward and a premium; the latter is followed by punishment. ...
