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index Africa: atrocities in, 96; slave trade in, 95 Agrarian reform, 37; Bolshevik, 24–25, 38 Alcohol, prohibition of, 30, 31 Alsatia, cotton industry of, 83 Ambitions, failure of, xxviii–xxix Anarchy, 16; effect on division of labor, 147; following colonialism, 94; liberalism and, 17 Anticapitalism: literature of, 41; political machines of, 119; reliance on capitalism , 143 The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (Mises), xi Antidemocratic doctrine, 22–24; antiliberalism in, 159 Antiliberalism: as antidemocratic, 159; capital consumption in, xxiv; communist , 25n; economic policies of, 66; Fascist, 25n; German, 159; of nineteenth century, xviii; propaganda of, xxvi–xxvii; psychological roots of, xxvii–xxxi; role in World War I, 81; of Social Democrats, 26; by state, 91; in trade, 102. See also Political parties, antiliberal Antiquity: democracy in, 20; economic order of, 24 Arabs, slave traders, 95 Asceticism, 150; ideals of, xx Asiatics, immigration of, 104, 106–8 Assessors, German, 19 Australia: Asian immigrants to, 106–8; workers in, 127 Austria: antiliberal parties of, 133; Chamber of Commerce, x; party membership in, 141; rent controls in, 52; school of economics in, x; war with Prussia, 77 Bastiat, Frédéric, 62, 155 Belgian Congo, atrocities in, 96 Bentham, Jeremy, xix, 9 Bismarck, Otto von, 160; influence on American liberalism, xiv Body, cult of, 149 Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von, x Bolsheviks: agrarian reform by, 24–25, 38; on readiness for socialism, 143; territorial expansion by, 116; use of force, 23, 25 Bondage, arguments for, 3–4. See also Slavery Bookkeeping: commercial, 71; Goethe on, 69 Burckhardt, Jacob, 30 Bureaucracies: German, 73; managers of, 71, 73 Bureaucratization: of business, 67–75; of hiring, 72–73; of production, 72 Business: administrative technique in, 70–71; bureaucratization of, 67–75; commercial conduct of, 68; cost accounting in, 69; hiring practices in, 68, 71–72; interventionism in, 75; profitability in, 70; promotion in, 72; versus public administration, 70 Caesarism, 45 Cantons, Swiss: democracy in, 20 Capital: export to Russia, 118; under free trade, 98–99; international, 81; migration of, 91–92, 99; mobility of, 100– 101, 102; in monopolies, 64–65; as production factor, 1, 2; transfer of, 39 Capital consumption, 143; antiliberal policy of, xxiv; through wage increases , 58n2 Capitalism: accomplishments of, xxiv; attacks on, xxviii; calculation of profitability under, 46–48, 69; in colonies, 97; conflicts of interest within, 125, 126; enmity toward, 59; imperfections in, 62; living standards under, xxvi; marking apparatus of, 41, 42; materialism in, 59; productivity under, 42–43, 150; progress under, 55; propaganda against, xxvi; public opinion of, 120; reform of, xxviii, 144; reliance of anticapitalism on, 143; replacement of, 148; role in technology, 60; scientific basis for, 61–62; as social organization, 59–63; in United States, 108 Capitalists: adjustments to market, 146; and class conflict, 127; control over enterprise , 68–69; special interests of, xxvii Cartels, and liberalism, 63–67 Caste, 121–22; Marx on, 126 Catallactics, Ricardo’s system of, 125–26 Censorship, state, 32 Chauvinism: European, 110–11; German , 111 Church, political power of, 33, 34 City-states, Greek, 20 Civilization: Communism as enemy of, 25n; role of private ownership in, 40; self-destruction of, 147 Civil servants, political parties of, 129, 142 Civil war: effect on division of labor, 7; individual status in, 121–22 Clark, Joseph S., Jr., ix Class, identity of interests within, 126 Class conflict, 125–28; Marxist doctrine of, 125, 126 Closed shops, 104 Cobden, Richard: on peace, 9 Coercion: in compulsory education, 85; in human society, 15–17; by state, 34– 36, 44, 112 Colonialism, 92, 93–98; administration of, 96; anarchy following, 94; atrocities under, 96; economic system of, 95–96; elimination of, 94–95; failure of, 97; League of Nations’ role in, 96– 98; motives of, 93; protection of property in, 97; trade relations in, 95–96, 97. See also Imperialism Colonies: capitalism in, 97; protection of property in, 97 Common man, as consumer, xiii Communism: antiliberal, 25n; division of labor in, 2; as enemy of civilization, 25n; means of production in, 39; property under, 29 Conscience, liberty of, 40 Consumption: of capital, xxiv, 58n2, 143; of luxury, 12–14; mass, 13 Continental System, 8 Coolies, Chinese: immigration of, 104 Corporativism, 136. See also Special interests Cosmopolitanism, 76–77; nationalism versus, 110 Crimean War, 116 Culloden, Battle of, 77 Czars, Russian, 117; territorial expansion by, 116 Czechoslovakia, protectionism in, 98 Darwinism, opposition to, 32 Declaration of Independence, signers of, xiv Delusion, Freud on, xxix Democracy, 160; in antiquity, 20; disillusionment with...
