In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Origins_301-350.indd 302 2/17/12 6:46 PM An Act for Church Liberties I638 One ofthefirst colonial statements on religiousfreedom, this act is notablefor extending theprinciple to Catholics. Later in the century a Protestant majority would temporarily rescind the rightfor Catholics but afew years later would include them again. In I6J8, because the proprietor, Lord Calvert, was a Catholic, the Assembly had no choice but to include Catholics. Be it enacted by the Lord Proprietarie of this Province by and with the Advice and approbation of the ffreemen of the same that Holy Church within this Province shall have all her rights liberties and immunities safe whole and inviolable in all things This act to continue till the end of the next Generall Assembly and then with the Consent of the Lord Proprietarie to be perpetual!. Text complete as found in Browne, Archives ofMaryland: Vol. I, 40. 302 ...
