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Putnam_101-150.indd 141 4/27/12 8:36 AM Index Abercrombie, General James, 31; at Ticonderoga, 36 Adams, John and Abigail, xv Albany, New York, 115 Albemarle, George Keppel, Lord, 56 Alner, Captain James, Son American Turtle (submarine machine), 82-87 Amherst, General Jeffrey, 39; Detroit campaign of, 58; Montreal campaign of, 53-55 Assemblies, Provincial: on Stamp Act, 59, 62 Barlow, Joel: The Vision of Columbus, x, 8n, 73-74 The Battle ofthe Kegs (Hopkinson), 83n-87n Bedford Pennsylvania Riflemen, 108 Biography: Plutarchan, xiii, xvii; purpose of, 5-6 Boston: British possession of, 74; Washington's occupation of, 77 Boston Port Bill, 63 Bound-Brook, NewJersey: foraging at, 108 Bradstreet, GeneralJohn, 48, 57, 58 British Army: at Boston, 74; at Brunswick, 109; at BunkerHill , 72; at Charles-Town, 71, 72, 74; infantry of, 72; lighthorse of, 98; at Long-Island, 87; occupation ofNew-York, 111; outrages by, 104, 117; reinforcement of, 113; respect for Continentals, 91; respect for Putnam, n8; in Seven Years' War, 20, 27, 30, 38, 5355 ; size of, 89, 92; at Trenton, 1oo; on York Island, 8n, 9n, 120 British Navy: in East-River, 88; provisioning of, So; reinforcement of, 82; at Ticonderoga, 22 British Regulars (Seven Years' War), 20,30 141 Brown, Captain, 96n Buchanan, Captain, n6 Bunker-Hill, battle of, 71-74, 75, 91, 94; Putnam at, 73 Burgoyne, GeneralJohn: reduction ofTiconderoga, no; surrender of, 115 Bushnell, David, 82, 84, 87n Putnam_101-150.indd 142 4/27/12 8:36 AM Index Camp-making, in Seven Years' War, 20-21 Canada, reduction of, 53 Carthagena, 57 Charles-Town, British possession of, 71, 72, 74 Chasseurs, German, 95, roo Chastelleux, Marquis de, 8n, nn Chester, Captain Thomas, 72 Cincinnati, Society of in Connecticut, x, r, 127; founding of, xxi, 2 Cincinnatus, x-xi Clear River, 41 Clinton, GeneralJames, n5 Clinton, Governor George, n4, n5; at West-Point, r2o Clinton, Sir Henry, n4-r5 Cochnawaga warriors, 57; village of, 55 Connecticut: Stamp Act in, 6o6r ; State troops, ron Connecticut brigade, mutiny of, XVlll-XlX, IZI-22 Connecticut General Assembly, xix, r2r; promotion ofPutnam, 25; Putnam in, 59 Connecticut Wits, ix- x Constitution, U.S., 132-34, q8; adoption of, 134-35; threats to, 135-36 Constitutional Convention, 132, 134 Continental Army, xvii-xviii; battle standard of, 76- 77; brigades of, 88, no-n, 121; British respect for, 91; character of, 7o; Congress's policy toward, xviii, 93, 130; defence ofNew-York city, 78; discipline in, 70, 88, 90, 93, 96; dissolution of, 2; ingratitude toward, xviii-xxi, 125; levies in, 88, no; militias' aid to, n3; provisioning of, xviii, 7o; at Red Hook, So; secrets in, nn; sickness in, 90 Continental Congress: Declaration ofthe Causes and Necessities ofTaking up Arms, 76; formation of, 596o ; inquiry into military disasters, 120; military policy of, xviii, 93, 130; weakness of, 134, 138 Cooper, James Fenimore, xii Cop's Hill (Boston), 71 Cornwallis, Lord Charles, roo, ror, ro6n; foraging parties of, ro8 Cow-boys (irregulars), rq Crosswick's, NewJersey: Putnam at, ror Crown-Point, New York: in Seven Years' War, 19, 25, 53 Cuban campaign, 56-57 Cultural memory, xiv Currency, fluctuations in, 128-29 D'Auberteiul, 6n Davis, MajorJohn, ro7 Declaration ofthe Causes and Necessities ofTaking up Arms (Continental Congress), 76 Declaration ofRights and Grievances (Stamp Act Congress), 6o Delancey, ColonelJames, n6-q Delancey, General Oliver, n6 142 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 14:07 GMT) Putnam_101-150.indd 143 4/27/12 8:36 AM Index D'Ell, Captain, 37, 41-42, 43, 44i death of, 57-58 Demolition machine, Bushnell's, 82-87 Detroit, siege of, 57-58 Dickenson, General Philemon, 105n, 106 Dictator, xi Dieskau, Baron Ludwig August, 20 Dryden, John, xiii Dubois, Colonel, 115 Durkee, Lieutenant Robert, 20, 21; in Revolution, 33n; in South-Bay expedition, 33 Dwight, Timothy, x Dyer, Thomas Henry, xi Eagle (gunship), 85 East Chester, Connecticut, IOn East-River, British fleet in, 88 Education: colonial, u-r2; in Federalist era, 136 Erskine, Sir William, 85n Esopus, burning of, 115 Fabius Cunctator, Washington as, 91-92 Farms, devastation of, 96 Federal government: adoption of, 132; principles of, 13r35; threats to, 131-32, 135-36 Federalists, Republican ideals of, XIX Fitch, Governor, 61- 62 Flatbush, battle of, 87 Foragers, British, 106, 108 Forbes, GeneralJohn, 39 Forman, Colonel, roo Fort Dummer, assault on, 49 Fort DuQyesne, capture of, 39 Fort Edward, 22; British troops at, 27; burning of, 35-36; strengthening of, 28 Fort Lee, British capture of, 98...
