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Debate_451-494.indd 481 5/7/12 7:59 AM NoTE. Extractsfrom the printed Public Accounts, which arepublished, including r828, since that date, from manuscript in Register's Office, or in the D epartment ofState. For the first two years ofJames Monroe's administration: 1817, "Foreign Intercourse,".................................................................$ 281,995 97 1818, Do. do.............................................................................. 420,429 90 Abstracts ofthe above. 1817, Diplomatic Department,..................................... !07>738 38 1818, Do. do....................................................... 103,652 04 1817, Contingent expenses Foreign Intercourse, .......... 35,953 39 1818, Do. do. do.......................................... 98,856 09 1817, Treaties with Mediterranean Powers,.................. 28,721 57 1818, Do. do. do.......................................... 51,412 21 Civil List. 1817, Contingent expenses Department of State, $426,333 68 (excluding expenses of publishing laws) ......... 9,784 85 1818, Do. do...................................................... 12,515 oo $ 22,299 85 For the first two years ofJohn QAdams' administration. $ 702,425 87 1825, "Foreign Intercourse,".................................................................$ 371,666 25 1826, Do. do.............................................................................. 232,719 o8 Abstract ofthe above. 1825, Diplomatic Department, .................................... 1826, Do. do...................................................... 1825, Contingent expenses Foreign Intercourse,.......... 1826, Do. do. do......................................... 1825, Treaties with Mediterranean Powers, ................. 1826, Do. do. do......................................... 1826, Panama Mission, ................................................ 159,603 82 152,476 90 25,474 95 18,627 07 26,ro8 67 2,o86 o8 9,000 00 $ 393,377 49 $ 604,385 33 Debate_451-494.indd 482 5/7/12 7:59 AM THE WEBSTER-HAYNE DEBATE ON THE NATURE OF THE UNION Civil List. 1825, Contingent expenses Department of State, (excluding publishing oflaws) ........................ 16,8oo oo 1826, Do. do...................................................... 16,ooo oo $ 32,800 00 First two years ofAndrewJackson's administration. 1829, "Foreign Intercourse,"................................................................. 207,o6o 35 1830, The whole estimate asked for the above, .................................... 263,300 oo Abstracts ifthe above. 1829, Diplomatic Department, .................................... 121,667 99 1830, Whole estimate ofthe above, .............................18o,ooo oo 1829, Contingent expenses Foreign Intercourse,.......... 14,469 12 1830, Whole estimate ofthe above, ............................. 3o,ooo oo 1829, Treaties with Mediterranean Powers, ................. n,938 88 1830, Whole estimate ofthe above, ............................. 3o,ooo oo Civil List. 1829, Contingent expenses Department of State, (excluding publishing oflaws,) taken from $388,075 99 manuscript in Department ofState, ............... ro,819 55 1830, Whole estimate,.......................................1o,7oo And Biennial Register ......................... 1,ooo II,700 00 $ 22,519 55 $470,360 35 ...
