In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Politica i-lxii.indd 7 1/11/12 10:08 PM Contents Translator's Introduction, ix FREDERICK S. CARNEY A lthusius' Grand Design for a Federal Commonwealth, xxxv DANIEL J. ELAZAR Althusius' Literary Sources Referred to in This Translation, xlvii Schema: Althusius' Outline ofthe Book, /viii Note on the Liberty Fund Edition, /xi Preface to the First Edition (1603) Preface to the Third Edition (1614) I The General Elements ofPolitics II-III The Family IV The Collegium V-VI The City VII-VIII The Province 3 11 17 27 33 39 51 Politica i-lxii.indd 8 1/11/12 10:08 PM viii Contents IX Political Sovereignty and Ecclesiastical Communication X-XVII Secular Communication XVIII The Ephors and Their Duties XIX-XX 66 79 92 The Constituting of the Supreme Magistrate 120 XXI-XXVII Political Prudence in the Administration of the Commonwealth XXVIII Ecclesiastical Administration XXIX-XXXVII Secular Administration XXXVIII Tyranny and Its Remedies XXXIX Types of Supreme Magistrate Collation of This Translation with the 1614 Edition, 209 The Writings ofJohannes Althusius, 213 Select Bibliography, 219 Index, 223 135 159 175 191 201 ...
