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Write_301-332.indd 323 3/30/12 1:34 PM INDEX Adams, Abigail (nee Smith), x-xi, xiv Adams, Deacon John, x Adams, John: on the American Revolution, xv; Boston Massacre trial, x, xi; character of, ix- x, xi, xv; constitution for Massachusetts, full text of, 297-321; constitutions, drafting of, xii, xiii, xv; Continental Congress, ix, xii; death of, xiv; education, x; in Europe, xiii; family of, x-xi; foreign policy, xiv; government, views on, x, xi; independence , support of, ix, xii; law career, x, xi; marriage, x- xi, xiv; offices held, xi, xii, xiii-xiv; Patriot movement, xi; peace neaties, xiii, xiv; political views, x1, xv; as wnter, XI, xu, xu1 Adams, John Quincy, xiv Adams, Susanna (nee Boylston), x Adrian III, 263 Aland, Justice Fortescue, 88- 89, 93 Alfred the Grear, 89, 92 allegiance, defined, 258 allegiance to king vs. Crown vs. realm: basis in American colonies, 252, 253, 260- 61, 268; Blackstone on, 258; Chester and Durham, 278- 81; Coke on, 137- 38, 256, 269- 70; and colonial charters, 120-29, 132, 138-39, 141, 232- 33, 241-43, 284; in colonial pamphlet , 254; colonies as subject to rhe king, 121, 123, 133, 137, 139, 142, 232, 240, 255- 58, 283- 84; colonies not annexed to realm of England, 121, 123, 126, 132, 138, 221, 226, 227, 239; and common law, 137; "Crown," defined, 253; distinction between "king" and "Crown," 138-39; under feudal system , 134- 36, 253, 257- 58; Ireland, 262- 69, 270- 74, 276- 77; Jersey and 323 Guernsey, 277-78; king's natural person vs. politic capaciry, 137- 39, 25558 , 283-84; and king's successors, 283; Parliament's authority limited to realm and seas, 126, 226, 261; and rule of conquered vs. discovered lands, 121, 135· 240, 241, 250, 259-62, 267-69, 270; Scotland, 255, 256, 282; "throne," defined, 253; Wales, 246-51, 252- 54, 2)8, 268- 69, 270, 274-75· 2?6 America, settlement of, 23-24, 59, 120- 21, 1)1, 184, 229-30 American Revolution. See revolution Americans, characteristics of, 27-28, 30-31, 50 Archer, John, 93, 94, 95 Barbados, 49- 50 Belcher, John, 113, 190 Bernard, Governor Francis, 150, 157, 15863 , 189, 191, 192, 214 Blackstone, Sir William, 135, 258, 267- 68 Slankard vs. Galdy, 259 Blockade Act, 209 body politic, defined, 297 Bolingbroke, H enry St. John, rst Viscount, 66 Boston Chronicle, 165 Boston Massacre, x, xi, r68, r86 Boston T ea Parry, 210- 14, 215 Bracton, Henry de, 92- 93 Bradfor 276 wars: colonial taxes supporting, 177-78; and government, 204, 233; justifying, 204, 206; and law, 205 Whigs, 151, 165; and Boston Tea Party, 215; goal of, 169; on grand juries, 199; Massachusettensis on, 181- 83; motives of, 200-201; power of, 203; views of, 181-83 William the Conqueror, 89, 105-6 Winthrop, Governor John (Adams writing as), 59- 60, 61- 71 X., Mr. (anonymous writer), 12-17 Xenophon, 8 Write_301-332.indd 332 3/30/12 1:34 PM The text of this book is set in n-point Adobe Garamond, a modern adaptation of the typeface originally cut around 1540 by the French typographer and printer Claude Garamond (d. 1561). Garamond, with its small lowercase height and restrained contrast between thick and thin strokes, is a classic "old-style" face, and has been one of the most influential and widely used typefaces since its creation. This book is printed on paper that is acid-free and meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, Z39-48-1992. § Book design by Martin Lubin Graphic Design, Jackson Heights, New York Typography by Impressions Book and Journal Services, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin Printed and bound by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan ...
