In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

EOIN F. CANNON is the assistant director of Studies for the America Field in History and Literature at Harvard University. A graduate of Harvard University (AB, 1995) and Boston University (MA, 2002; PhD, 2010) and a former newspaper reporter, he has published scholarly articles on urban literature , ethnicity, and boxing, and a series of online essays on addiction and culture. He serves as the managing editor of Points, the Blog of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society. “This page intentionally left blank” [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 13:54 GMT) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS PRESS Amherst & Boston Cover art: All my drinks three cents” appears in Helen Stuart Campbell, Darkness and Daylight; or, Lights and Shadows of New York Life: A Woman’s Story of Gospel, Temperance, Mission, and Rescue Work “In His Name” (1892). Since the middle of the nineteenth century, sobriety movements KDYHÁRXULVKHGLQ$PHULFDGXULQJSHULRGVRIVRFLDODQGHFRQRPLFFULVLV )URPWKHERLVWHURXVZRUNLQJFODVVWHPSHUDQFHPHHWLQJVRIWKH VWRWKHTXLHWEHJLQQLQJVRI$OFRKROLFV$QRQ\PRXVLQWKHV DOFRKROLFVKDYHEDQGHGWRJHWKHUIRUPXWXDOVXSSRUW(DFKWLPHWKH\ KDYHGHYHORSHGQHZZD\VRIWHOOLQJWKHLUVWRULHVDQGLQWKHSURFHVV they have shaped how Americans think about addiction, the self, and society. (RLQ &DQQRQ LOOXPLQDWHV WKH UROH VREULHW\ PRYHPHQWV KDYH SOD\HG LQ SODFLQJ QRWLRQV RI SHUVRQDO DQG VRFLHWDO UHGHPSWLRQ DW WKHKHDUWRIPRGHUQ$PHULFDQFXOWXUH+HDUJXHVDJDLQVWWKHGRPLnant scholarly perception that recovery narratives are private and DSROLWLFDOVKRZLQJWKDWLQIDFWWKHJHQUH·VFRQYHQWLRQVWXUQSULYDWH experience to public political purpose. Further, the New Deal–era $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV UHÀWWHG WKH ´GUXQNDUG·V FRQYHUVLRQµ DV D PRGHO RI VHOIKRRG IRU WKH OLEHUDO HUD DOORZLQJ IRU D VSLULWXDO UHdemption story that could accommodate a variety of identities and FRPSXOVLRQV&DQQRQFRQFOXGHVE\FRQVLGHULQJKRZFRQWHPSRUDU\ recovery narratives represent both a crisis in liberal democracy and DSRWHQWLDOIRUUHGHPSWLYHVRFLDOSURJUHVV “The Saloon and the Mission offers a unique contribution for hisWRULDQV RIQXPHURXVVSHFLDOWLHV FXOWXUDOOLWHUDU\UHOLJLRXV DV ZHOODVWKRVHVSHFLDOL]LQJLQDOFRKRORUGUXJVWXGLHV,NQRZRIQR RWKHUZRUNWKDWRIIHUVVXFKDVZHHSLQJV\QWKHVLVRIWKHHYROXWLRQ RIWKHDGGLFWLRQUHFRYHU\QDUUDWLYHDQGKRZLWHPHUJHGIURPDQG has evolved within particular historical contexts.” —William L. White, author of Slaying the Dragon: The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America (2,1)&$1121 serves as assistant director of Studies for the America Field in History and Literature at Harvard University. ...
