In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

[ 517 ] Index - A . M. Chicago, 424 Abbott, Sengstacke, 158–59 ABC (American Broadcasting Company). See American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Abernathy, Ralph W., 363 abolitionism (cause), 66–75, 88–111, 176, 188 abortion, 350 Abrams, Floyd, 375 Abrams, Jacob, 178–80 Abrams v. U.S., 178–80 Acheson, Dean, 295 Adams, Eddie, 354 Adams, Franklin P., 199 Adams, John, 3, 33, 39, 44, 47–48, 51, 67, 174, 309, 392, 460 Advance Publications, 428–29 “Adventures in Dining” (Hughes), 310 advertising: agencies of, 121; AP’s eschewing of, 80; innovations in, 120–21; magazines and, 200–201, 350–51; muckraking journalism and, 147; newspapers’ revenue sources and, 59, 65–66, 69, 84, 99, 308, 399, 432–34, 438, 458; radio and, 207–8, 258; television and, 289, 291–93, 301, 303, 485n7; women and, 118, 188–89 advocacy (journalistic role), 4, 66–75, 89–111, 115, 194–98, 225, 300, 320, 413 African Americans: emancipation of, 108; in the news media, 4, 311, 339; as news organizations’ audience, 62, 74; newspapers by and for, 5, 74, 88, 93–94, 158–59, 188, 264, 308–15, 420–23; pre-Civil War freedom and, 87; as reporters, 143–45, 311, 314–15, 362–64, 421; as television anchors and hosts, 422–26; World War I and, 158–59; World War II and, 257. See also abolitionism (cause); civil rights movement; slavery; specific journalists and media moguls Agee, James, 202 The Age of Reason (Paine), 55 Agnew, Spiro, 344, 356–57, 360–61 Ailes, Roger, 359, 416–17 Akron Beacon-Journal, 186 Albany Evening Journal, 69 Alcoa, 291, 301, 303 Alexander, James, 26 Alien Registration Act (of 1940), 244 “All Against Russia” (Time), 195 Allen, Ephraim, 72 All the President’s Men (Woodward and Bernstein), 389, 391–92 Amanpour, Christiane, 403, 407 America First Committee, 227, 243 [ 518 ] INDEx America Live with Megyn Kelly, 417 American Anti-Slavery Society, 89–91, 94 American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 259, 302, 333, 345–46, 403, 427 “The American Century” (Luce), 244–45 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 244, 300, 365 American Colonization Society, 73 The American Crisis, Number 1 (Paine), 40–42 American Jewish Conference, 241 American Legion, 181 American Marconi Wireless Company, 168, 205 American Newspaper Guild, 155, 199, 365 American Newspaper Publishers’ Association, 169, 365, 382 American Prospect, 451–52 American Protective League, 181 American Society of Newspaper Editors, 365, 421 American Spectator, 415 American Stock Exchange, 336 American Telegraph Company, 102 The American Way of Death (Mitford), 338–39 America Online, 427, 450 Amos ‘n Andy Show (NBC), 212, 288 Amsterdam, Anthony, 364 Amsterdam News, 158, 309 Andreesen, Marc, 442 Angell, Katherine, 201 Anglo-African, 188, 478n10 Anthony, Susan B., 93, 189, 348 anti-Semitism, 228, 235–42, 261, 264, 269–70. See also Hitler, Adolf; Holocaust; United States “Apology for Printers” (Franklin), 23–26 Appeal to Reason, 146, 160, 174 Apperson, Phoebe, 129–30 apprenticeship system (in printing and journalism), 1–2, 19–21, 62–63, 68–69, 72, 83–84, 110 Armed Forces Radio Service, 262 Army Signal Corps, 168–69, 171 Arnett, Peter, 326, 353–55, 406 Around the World in 80 Days (Verne), 124 ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam), 328, 331 Ashmore, Harry, 312 The Associated Press: Civil War reporting and, 86, 104–5; creation of, 78–79; McCarthyism and, 296–97; membership rules of, 119; nonprofit status of, 337, 429; objectivity and, 80–82; radio and, 213; reporters of, 81–82; structure of, 470n56; Vietnam coverage and, 326, 356; World War II and, 239, 257 Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 186 Atlantic, 145 Atlantic Monthly, 188, 452 atomic bombs, 280–84, 302 AT&T, 205, 207–8, 403 Atwater Kent (company), 208 Auld, Hugh and Sophia, 88 Aurora, 48, 50–51 Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 20, 29–30, 63, 67 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 48, 50–51 Bagdikian, Ben, 373–74 Bailey, Frederick. See Douglass, Frederick Bailyn, Bernard, 467n1 Baker, Newton, 165, 223 Baker, Ray Stannard, 145, 148 Baker, Russell, 409 Baldwin, James, 363 Baltimore Afro-American, 158, 309, 422 Baltimore Patriot and Commercial Gazette, 76 Barnouw, Erik, 288 Barnum, P. T., 148 Bartholdi, Auguste, 122 Barton, Bruce, 192 Barton, C. V., 155 Bataan Death March, 261, 281 Batista, Bobbie, 403 Battle of Ap Bac, 328 Battle of Britain, 249–54 Battle of Iwo Jima, 270, 277 Battle of Midway, 272, 276 The Battle of Midway (Ford), 260 The Battle of Russia (Capra), 260 The Battle of San Pietro (Huston), 260 Battle of the Bulge, 262 Battle of the Coral Sea, 266...
