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Index Adams, Henry, 195 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 230–31 “Aesthetica in nuce” (croce), 153 Aesthetics as Science of Expression and General Linguistics (Estetica come scienza dell’espressione e linguistica generale) (croce), 153 Allason, Barbara, 59 All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque), 162 Alterocca, Bona, 31–32, 36, 77, 83, 110, 112–13 America amara (cecchi), 173, 203, 209 American, The (James), 174 Americana (vittorini), 207–13; authors included in, 274n.122; cecchi’s introduction to, 173, 204, 208–10; Eco on selection of authors of, 211–12; influence of, 205; Linati as contributor to, 176; Pavese as contributor to, 172, 206; Pintor’s review-essay of, 202, 204–5; Pound on selection of authors of, 210–11; vittorini’s introductions to, 173, 208, 212–13 American films. See films, American americanismo: cecchi and, 173; L’Enciclopedia Italiana on, 177– 78; Linati as leading americanista, 173–74; as not running wide in Italian culture, 180; Pavese’s letter to vittorini as important document of, 209; Pavese’s period ends, 225; Soldati and, 202, 203; vittorini as americanista, 205; vittorini’s Americana as monument of, 207 American literature and culture: ancient greek culture compared to, 194; cecchi on, 172–73; in La Cultura, 178–80; Linati on, 173–74; Pavese’s change in attitude toward, 215–27, 235–39; Pavese’s degree thesis on Whitman, 135–68; Pavese’s essays on, 169–201; Pintor on, 203–5; praising as challenge to Italian intellectual environment, 182; Prezzolini on, 174–76; Soldati on, 202–3; types published in translation in Italy, 172; vittorini on, 205–14. See also Anderson, Sherwood; dos Passos, John; [฀฀285฀฀] American literature and culture (cont.) dreiser, Theodore; Faulkner, William; Hemingway, Ernest; Henry, O.; Lewis, Sinclair; Masters, Edgar Lee; Melville, Herman; Twain, Mark; Whitman, Walt; and others by name American Renaissance, The (Matthiessen), 13, 126, 232–35 American Tragedy, An (dreiser), 191 America, primo amore (Soldati), 203, 273n.107 Among Women Only (Pavese). See Tra donne solo (Among Women Only) Anderson, Sherwood: ancient greeks compared to by Pavese, 194; Pavese article on, 179, 187, 198; Pavese on compassion of, 191; Pavese on language of, 187, 188, 217, 229; Pavese on provincialism of, 197; in Pavese’s construction of tradition for American literature, 196, 213; and Pavese’s narrative rapidity, 5; Pavese’s style influenced by, 5; Pavese’s style in writing about, 199–200; A Story Teller’s Story, 91–92, 94, 237; in vittorini’s Americana, 274n.122 Ann Vickers (Lewis), 216 Antonicelli, Franco, Fig. 25 Arrowsmith, William, 6 “Artist as Exemplary Sufferer, The” (Sontag), 9 As I Lay Dying (Faulkner), 215 Asselineau, Roger, 162 Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The (Stein), 86, 225, 276n.22 Babbitt (Lewis), 190, 191 Badoglio, Pietro, 97, 204 Bailey, John, 146, 147–48, 149 Baraldi, Elico, 34 Baravalle, giovanni, 101, 106, 107, 121, 126 Baretti, Il (journal), 48 Beach, The (Pavese). See Spiaggia, La (The Beach) Beats, 95 Beautiful Summer, The (Pavese). See Bella estate, La (The Beautiful Summer) Bella estate, La (The Beautiful Summer) (Pavese): composition of, 90, 259n.18; favorable reviews of, 128; and Pavese’s relationship with Tina Pizzardo, 62, 224; published with Il diavolo sulle colline and Tra donne sole, 128; Strega Prize for, 29 “Benito cereno” (Melville), 5, 96, 225, 226–27 Bennett, Arnold, 191 Benton, Thomas Hart, 196 Berenson, Bernard, 173 Biasin, gian-Paolo, 154 Bierce, Ambrose, 188, 274n.122 Big Money, The (dos Passos), 86 Billy Budd (Melville), 206, 213 Bitter Rice (Riso amaro) (film), 17 Bobbio, norberto: in “confraternity” of Pavese, 47; on croce, 152; on ginzburg, 50–51; liberalism of, 48, 254n.32; on Monti, 41; photograph of, Fig. 14; political passion of, 140 Boccaccio, 45, 202 Boiardo, Matteo Maria, 45 Böll, Heinrich, 2 Bollati, giulio, 29, 89 Bollati di Saint Pierre, Romilda, 29–30, 31 Bompiani, valentino, 208, 209 Boringhieri, Paolo, 89 Boyer, charles, 27 Boyle, Kay, 274n.122 Brancaleone calabro, 66, 69, Fig. 29 Brock, geoffrey, 22, 183, 184 Burning Brand, The (Pavese), 68 “By Blue Ontario’s Shore” (Whitman), 156 cabell, James Branch, 274n.122 Cabiria (film), 170 cain, James M., 5, 213, 228, 242, 274n.122 286 ]฀IndEX [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 14:39 GMT) cajumi, Arrigo, 180 caldwell, Erskine, 171, 207, 227, 228, 274n.122 callaghan, Morey, 274n.122 calvino, Italo: edits Pavese’s essays, 10, 197, 198, 275n.6; as “hard worker in school of Pavese,” 88; in literary generation that followed Pavese, 202; on more attention paid to Pavese...
