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Suggested Reading [฀฀279฀฀] In 2007 Luisella Mesiano published her annotated bibliography, Cesare Pavese di carta e di parole: Bibliografia ragionata e analitica (Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2007). This wonderfully comprehensive and intelligently organized work not only includes bibliographic data on all works by Pavese but lists virtually everything written about him in Italian through the end of 2006. Her many summaries and annotations make the book invaluable and essential for research on all aspects of Pavese. With such a resource already available, I include here only those sources in Italian that proved to have particular relevance to my topic. As for Englishlanguage material, I concentrate on works that can provide both general and specific background information. PAvESE And AMERIcA, IncLudIng PAvESE AS TRAnSLATOR Bellesia, giovanna T. “The Translation Work of Elio vittorini, cesare Pavese and Eugenio Montale with a Brief Introduction to Translation Theory in Italy.” Phd diss., university of north carolina, 1985. Ferme, valerio. “cesare Pavese and Elio vittorini’s Translations from American Literature: The Americanization of Aesthetics and the Subversion of culture under the Fascist Regime.” Phd diss., university of california, Berkeley, 1998. ———. Tradurre è tradire: La traduzione come sovversione culturale sotto il fascismo . Ravenna: A. Longo Editore, 2002. 280 ]฀SuggESTEd REAdIng Fernandez, dominique. Il mito dell’America negli intellettuali italiani dal 1930 al 1950. Trans. Alfonso Zaccaria. caltanissetta: Salvatore Sciascia Editore, 1969. Heiney, donald. America in Modern Italian Literature. new Brunswick, n.J.: Rutgers university Press, 1964. Jeannet, Angela M., and Louise K. Barnett, ed. and trans. New World Journeys: Contemporary Italian Writers and the Experience of America. Westport , conn.: greenwood Press, 1977. Lorenzi-davitti, Patrizia. Pavese e la cultura americana: Fra mito e razionalità. Florence: g. d’Anna, 1975. noble, cinzia d. Cesare Pavese e la letteratura americana: Saggi e ricerche. Pescara: Editrice Italica, 1983. Pietralunga, Mark, ed. Cesare Pavese and Anthony Chiuminatto: Their Correspondence . Toronto: university of Toronto Press, 2007. Stella, Maria. Cesare Pavese: Traduttore. Rome: Bulzoni, 1977. Tondo, Michele. “L’incontro di Pavese con Whitman: La tesi di laurea.” Il Ponte 25, no. 5 (1969): 708–17. gEnERAL cOMMEnTARIES On PAvESE Biasin, gian-Paolo. “cesare Pavese.” In Dictionary of Italian Literature. Edited by Peter Bondanella and Julia conaway Bondanella. Westport, conn.: greenwood Press, 1996. ———. Italian Literary Icons. Princeton Essays in Literature. Princeton: Princeton university Press, 1985. ———. The Smile of the Gods: A Thematic Study of Cesare Pavese’s Works. Translated by Yvonne Freccero. Ithaca: cornell university Press, 1968. Fiedler, Leslie A. “Introducing cesare Pavese.” In No! In Thunder: Essays on Myth and Literature. Boston: Beacon Press, 1960. Flint, R. W. Introduction to The Selected Works of Cesare Pavese. new York: new York Review of Books, 2001. Fussell, Edwin. Introduction to American Literature, Essays and Opinions, by cesare Pavese. Berkeley: university of california Press, 1970. Heiney, donald. Three Italian Novelists: Moravia, Pavese, Vittorini. Ann Arbor: university of Michigan Press, 1968. O’Healy, Áine. Cesare Pavese. Boston: Twayne, 1988. Pacifici, Sergio. A Guide to Contemporary Italian Literature: From Futurism to Neorealism. cleveland: World Publishing, 1962. Riccobono, Rossella, and doug Thompson, eds. ‘Onde di questo mare’ : Reconsidering Pavese. Market Harborough, u.K.: Troubador, 2003. Sontag, Susan. “The Artist as Exemplary Sufferer.” In Against Interpretation, and Other Essays. new York: Farrar, Straus and giroux, 1966. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 16:10 GMT) SuggESTEd REAdIng [฀281 Thompson, doug. Cesare Pavese: A Study of the Major Novels and Poems. cambridge : cambridge university Press, 1982. BIOgRAPHIES Alterocca, Bona. Cesare Pavese: Vita e opere di un grande scrittore sempre attuale. Quart (Aosta): Musumeci Editore, 1985. Lajolo, davide. An Absurd Vice: A Biography of Cesare Pavese. Edited and translated by Mario Pietralunga and Mark Pietralunga. new York: new directions, 1983. Mondo, Lorenzo. Cesare Pavese. 5th rev. ed. Milan: Mursia, 1984. ———. Quell’antico ragazzo. Milan: Rizzoli, 2006. LEOnE gInZBuRg And THE cOnFRATERnITY Avalle, M. clara, ed. Da Odessa a Torino: Conversazioni con Marussia Ginzburg. Turin: claudiana, 2002. Bobbio, norberto. A Political Life. Edited by Alberto Papuzzi, translated by Allan cameron. cambridge, England: Polity Press, 2002. ginzburg, Leone. Lettere dal confino, 1940–1943. Turin: Einaudi, 2004. ———. Scritti. Turin: Einaudi, 2000. ginzburg, natalia. Lessico Famigliare. Turin: Einaudi, 1999. ———. Le piccole virtú. Turin: Einaudi, 1966. Mila, Massimo. Scritti civili. Turin: Einaudi, 1995. Monti, Augusto. I miei conti con la scuola: Cronaca scolastica italiana del secolo XX. Turin: Einaudi, 1965. Tranfaglia, nicola, ed. L’itinerario di Leone Ginzburg. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri , 1996. TuRIn And THE unIvERSITY OF TuRIn duRIng PAvESE’S LIFETIME Bobbio, norberto. Trent’anni di storia della cultura a Torino, 1920–1950...
