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Copyright ©  by University of Massachusetts Press all rights reserved All images copyright Meridel Rubenstein. Printed in the United States of America This is the second volume of the Collaborations series—an occasional series of books initiated by the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute of Smith College and published by the University of Massachusetts Press in association with the Institute. lc  isbn 978-1-55849-708-5 (paper); 707-8 (library cloth) Designed by Steve Dyer Set in Adobe Garamond by Westchester Book Group Printed and bound by Thomson-Shore, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data TransBuddhism: transmission, translation, transformation / edited by Nalini Bhushan, Jay L. Garfield, and Abraham Zablocki. p. cm.—(Collaborations) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN ---- (pbk. : alk. paper)—ISBN ---- (library cloth : alk. paper) . Buddhism—Social aspects. . Buddhism and culture. . Intercultural communication—Religious aspects—Buddhism. . Globalization— Regligious aspects—Buddhism. I. Bhushan, Nalini. II. Garfield, Jay L., – III. Zablocki, Abraham. BQ.T  .'—dc  British Library Cataloguing in Publication data are available. ...
