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107 adipose fin—a soft, fleshy fin found behind the dorsal fin of a fish. aerate—to cause air to circulate. algae—suspended plant organisms usually found in water. ammocoetes—immature lampreys. anadromous—migrating from saltwater to spawn in freshwater. anal fin—the fin behind a fish’s anus. anterior fin—the first part of a divided dorsal fin. benthic—the lowest level of a body of water (stream bottom). cartilaginous—made of cartilage; calcified bone. caudal fin—the tail fin of a fish. crustaceans—a class of arthropods including shrimps, crayfish, crabs, and barnacles. ctenoid scales—fish scales having comblike edges. dorsal fins—the fins on top of a fish. elver—a young freshwater eel. endangered species—an imperiled species in a certain area. endemism—a species restricted to a particular locality. endomostraca—any of a large variety of crustaceans. extinct—a species no longer in existence . extirpated—exterminated in a certain area. fecundity—the capacity of a female to produce young. fry—a recently hatched fish. genus—the main subdivision in a family of animals. gill rakers—bony or cartilaginous projections in the gill, which function as filters. hellgrammite—a large immature stage of the Dobson fly. hybridization—two different species mating with each other and producing offspring. lampricide—a chemical used to kill the larval and adult lampreys. lateral line—part of a fish’s acoustic hearing system, which runs down each side of its body. lentic—still water, such as found in ponds and lakes. intramuscular bones—muscle interlaced with calcified bone. macroinvertebrates—small animals with no backbones. madtom—a genus of small catfish. marine—referring to saltwater. milt—fish sperm. morphology—the shape and structure of an animal. notochord—arod-shapedcordformed during embryological development in animals, replaced by the vertebral column in higher vertebrates. opercle—the bony covering protecting the gills of a fish. oxbow—a river bend that has become separated from a stream’s main channel. parasitic—living at the expense of another species. pectoral fins—the paired fins just behind the head of a fish. Glossary 108 Glossary pheromones—chemicalsubstancessecreted externally by certain animals. photoreceptors—rods and cones on the retina that receive light. phylogenic—evolutionary descent of any plant or animal species. phytoplankton—unicellular plants found suspended in aquatic habitats forming the base of the aquatic food chain. posterior fin—the second part of a divided dorsal fin. protrusible lips—fleshy lips on the underside of suckers and carp. riffle—a shallow area in a stream usually at the head of a pool, characterized by rocky substrates and fast currents where there is a visible drop in elevation. riparian—land directly next to a river or stream. salmonid—referring to a species in the salmon family. scute—an external bony plate found on fishes and reptiles. seine—a large net used to capture fish. spawn—to produce or deposit eggs. taxonomy—the science of animal classification. threatened—aspeciesthatisindecline. translucent—diffused light that can pass through a fish’s body. tributary—water flowing into a larger stream. turbidity—the clouding of water by suspended particulate matter. vernal—referring to the spring. xerothermic period—a warm dry glacial interval. zooplankton—microscopic animals found suspended in aquatic systems. ...
