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index 301 Index 301 Abello, Thomas P., 14 Abraham Lincoln Brigade (ALB), 205; as American heroes, 74, 137, 138, 222; composition of, 46, 243n21; embargo appeals from, 73; and First Lady, 75; founding of, 18; fund-raising by, 141; and Musicians’ Union, Local 802, 161; and recruitment, 40, 197–98, 265n24; as traitorous aliens, 19, 66, 197–98 Acheson, Dean G., 2, 176, 189 Adams, John, xv–xvi Adams, John Quincy, xv aerial bombing, 22, 112, 124; brutality of, xvii– xviii, 53, 61, 142, 147; fear of, 145, 226n–h. See also aviation; Guernica, bombing of Agents of the Fascisti, 210, 255n30 agents provocateurs, 175–78, 209 aggression, discourse of, 16, 29, 103, 239n64; fascist, xiv, xvii, 23, 32, 39, 71, 74, 75, 141, 158; Nazi, 91, 94, 98 Aguirre, José Antonio, 120 Ahern, Maurice, 144 Aid Spanish Democracy, 167 Alcalá Zamora, Niceto, 79 Alcázar, Toledo: siege of, 15–16, 118 Alfonso XIII, 119, 122, 218 Alfonte, William A., 3, 13 Allen, Jay C., Jr., 90, 192, 219–20 Allen, Philip M., 152 Allen, Robert S., 92, 93 Allen, R. T. P., 220 Allin, Bryan, 33 Alonso, Manuel, 13 Alpers, Benjamin L., 30 Alvarado, Pedro de, 7 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 144 Amerasia, 173 America, 15, 19, 37–38, 187, 202–3; and Blockade, 139 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 169 American Communist Party (CPUSA), xiv, 33, 144, 196, 217, 219; Americanization of, 202; and Blockade, 136, 139; as conspiracy, 191; and international volunteers, xii, xxii, 18, 46; membership of, 14, 38, 201, 219, 223; and NYC government, 51; and PM, 54, 200; and Roosevelt’s administration, 47, 68 American Defense Society, 106 American Federation Against Communism, 278n51 American Federation of Musicians’ Union, Local 802, 46, 163, 167 Americanism, xiv, xv, 35–37, 45, 47–51, 52, 69; and anticommunism, 14, 72, 158, 195, 219, 222–23; Catholicism and, 141–42, 150; and communist threat to, 2; defined, xx–xxi; and democracy,138–39, 186; and foreignness, 131–32, 159, 194, 220; historicity of, 153; and individualism, 218; and liberal multiculturalism , 72; and meritocracy, 10, 171, 186; and nationalism, 17; as political doctrine, 59–60, 106, 172; redefinition of, 37, 133, 158, 218; right to define, 17, 42, 134, 157, 210, 219; sham patriotism of, 181; Walsh and, 103; Yankee democracy of, 33–34. See also core values; un-Americanism Americanism Commission, American Legion’s, 99 Americanization programs, 49 American Jewish Committee (AJC), 159, 164, 167, 168, 174; on Jewish refugees, 159 American League Against War and Fascism, 72 American League for Peace and Democracy (ALPD), 72–73 American Legion, 39, 48, 96, 99–103; and Jersey City rally, 169 American Mercury, 52, 125 302 index American Patriots, Inc., 174, 179 American Student Union (ASU), 47, 185–87 American Union for Nationalist Spain (AUNS), xxii, 106, 108–9; and blocking Blockade, 134; inaugural meeting of, 126–27; lobbying by, 128, 158, 188; and mass meetings, 152, 154; smeared by Carlson and historians, 222 American Youth Congress, 47 America Spanish Relief Fund (ASRF), 15, 123, 126, 238n53; and exchange controls, 260n31; Meière and, 110, 113, 118, 120 Amo, Jaime del, 101 anarchism, collectivist, 16, 18, 22, 29, 32, 40, 58– 59, 195–96, 229n6; arson attacks by anarchists, 113, 259n22; Spanish tradition of, 34, 116, 146 anarchism, individualist, 3, 10, 26, 143 Anderson, Adrian, 208 Andress, Mary Vail, 124, 192 Andryski, Alrose, 71 Anglo-Italian pact, 94 Anglo-Protestantism, xx, 50, 69, 221 angst, xxi, 36, 57, 193, 220, 222; Carlson’s, 182; Franco lobbyists’, 131, 224; Sedgwick’s, 30 anticommunism, xiv, 50, 196–97 anticommunism, pro-Franco, xx, 36, 60, 132–33, 150, 163, 191, 195; as Americanism, xii–xiv, 14, 72, 158, 195, 219, 222–23; as motivation, xiii Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 168, 176, 177, 178 antifascism, 185, 195, 197, 201, 222 Anti-Nazi League, 168, 178 antipapism, 45, 69, 91, 112 anti-Semitism, 12, 44, 45, 157, 159, 168; of Catholic unionists and Christian Fronters, 163–66, 167; in Ireland, 160 appeasement ideology, xii, 63, 85, 93–94, 95; Chamberlain’s, 94, 97; Roosevelt’s, 93 Arad, Ne’eman Gulie, 159 Arbella, xiv, xxi Arcos, Lupe de los, 114 Arms embargo, xi–xii, 23–24, 38, 40, 65–67, 97– 98; and Bowers on, 73–74; and First Lady, 75; and Forbes, 95; and Ickes, 90; and Krock, 92, 94; and Legion, 99, 100, 102–3; and Nye resolution , 70, 88–89; retained, 105; and Welles, 75. See also Neutrality Act (1937) Arteaga, Captain...
