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Index Abengalb6n 68, 69, 85,91, 190, 199 Achieved status 176, 177, 180, 182,205,230 Actio 132 Action groups 27, 232 action-sets 82 Adoption 26, 58-60, 66, 233 absence of in PMC 60 history of 59 Adventitia 127 Afrenta de Corpes 9,31,91,212, 217,224 as affront to royal honor 148 Africa, sub-Saharan, 40, 138, 144,239 Age 24, no, 147 as criterion of status inequality 205,206,208 and marriage 104, 144, 145 Agnation 36-41,45,50, 145,233 vs. cognation 29, 39, 41 as manly solidarity in PMC 44 Agonistic tone, defined 210 Albar Fanez, Minaya 30-32, 36, 49,61,65,69,71,77,79,80, 85-88,91,97,100,114,130, 135, 148, 161, 168, 172, 175, 203,227,228 as Alfonso's proxy 99, 148 as uncle's emissary 31, 87, 90 Alfonso (Alfonso VI, king of Le6n and Castile) and Cid 71,91 court of 61,66 as Infantes' surrogate father 149 as leader 73, 155, 193 as marriage broker 92, 101 Alliance 104, 114, 136, 143, 145, 147, 149 and bandos 181 and clans 51 and dowry 138 and kinship 37 marital 98, 107, 109, 115, 130, 143,147,180,210,213 in small-scale society 95 Almanzor44,45,233 Altruism 58, 63, 80,84,96, 152,229 as generosity without reckoning 89, 98 Amicitia, in Partidas 64 Amigo 68-70 a. de paz 68 a. natural 69 amigos, as kith and kin 66 Amistad 65, 68 in Partidas 64 Amity 10, 28, 56-58, 63-68, 80, 92-94,97,135,149,150,165, 166,185,229 as axiom of kinship morality 56,64,96,152,169 in country and city 191 vs. enmity 68 and forbearance 57, 96-98 and gifts 67, 87, 88 love as basis of 8-9,86,90,92 in Partidas 64 inPMC94 and polity 56, 151 rights and responsibilities 185, 205 unconditional 85 and vassalage 70, 79 and virtue 94 Ancestry 17,23,24,25,44, 130, 181 Cid as apical ancestor 46,47, 98 Anrrich, Count (Henry, grandson of Duke Robert of Burgundy) 74, 89, 181 Aristocracy 41, 43, 232 Armistead, Samuel G. 231 Arras 127, 131-35, 139, 143, 147,236 parallels to Roman donatio 131 promised by Infantes 131 267 Index Arrhae 127 arra sponsalicia 129 Ascription 59, 201, 205, 216 vs. achievement 176, 186, 205,230 Assur (Ansur Gonzalez, elder brother of Infantes de Carri6n) 34,65,68,70,74,102,204,211 Authority 35, 151-53, 156, 182, 186,194,199,207,208 and charisma 164, 165, 174 in epic 153, 161, 165 and feud 155, 162 and hierarchy 161, 189 parental and lineal, undermined by spousal consent 106, 108 in small-scale societies 153,223 Aver, averes 122, 128-30, 140, 170,171,199,209,221 averes monedados = cash 129, 140 Avunculate 32, 34-36, 45, 73 and fosterage 32 inPMC33,36 Avunculus 18, 33 Avus 18, 33 Axuvar (mod. Sp. ajuar) 128, 131 Cid's dowry to daughters 125, 132, 139 as trousseau 128 Banditry 166, 168, 172, 195,221, 237,239 social 169, 197 Banda 62, 70, 73-77, 116, 153, 186,211 of Infantes 204, 205, 218 never applied to Cid's group 77 Barbero, Alessandro 42-44, 47, 73 Barcelona, Remont Verenguel, countof33, 71,172,234 Barlau, Stephen B. 24, 38, 233 Basileus 188 Basques 156 and bandos 76, 181 268 Bedouins, Arabian and North African 197 Beekes, Robert S. P. 30, 233 Bell, Claire H. 232 Bellalores 200, 201 Bendi,iones, bendicliones 100, 114 Bendix, Reinhard 163, 190-92, 197 Beni-G6mez clan 46, 76, 156, 182 Benveniste, Emile 238 Beowulf32 and agonistic tone 210 Berreman, Gerald D. 176-77, 205,206,208,239 Besamanos 221, 227, 229 and deference 224,225,226 Betrothal 99, 108, 109, 125, 127, 129, 133, 173,236 of Cid's daughters 88, 102, 122,227 guaranteed through arra sponsalicia 129 Billan,a 212, 217 Bloch, Marc 24, 25,29,33,65, 177, 178 Bloch, Maurice 56, 80, 81, 234 Bloch, R. Howard 37, 43, 107, 204 Bluestein, Carolyn 111 Booty 71, 84, 87-88, 140, 170, 174,221 distribution of 28, 83, 167, 209,221 Bossen, Laurel 213-14,239 Bourdieu, Pierre 46-47,52, 109, 114, 115, 143-45,149,210, 214,235-36 Bourgeois, bourgeoisie 6, 10 Brahmins 200 Bremmer, Jan 32, 233 Brettell, Caroline 11, 12 Bride(s) 109, 128, 138, 139, 142 consent of 104, 143 Brideprice...
