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LIS T 0 F ABBREVIATIONS References to Husserl's publications are all to the English translations ofhis works as indicated in this list. However, where no English translations are available, the references are to the German original works as indicated below. Cart. Med. Crisis E. Phil. Exp.J. F. tr.L. The Idea Ideas Die Idee Ideen Krisis L.1. L.U. Par. Lect. Phiin. Psych. Phen. Int. T. C. Phen. Psych. Cartesian Meditations Crisis ofEuropean Sciences Erste Philosophie Experience and Judgment Formal and Transcendental Logic The Idea ofPhenomenology Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology Die Idee der Phiinomenologie Ideen zu einer reinen Phiinomenologie und phiinomenologischen Philosophie Die Krisis der europiiischen Wissenschaften Logical Investigations Logische Untersuchungen (second edition [1913-21] unless otherwise specified) Paris Lectures Phiinomenologische Psychologie Lectures on the Phenomenology of Internal Time Consciousness Phenomenological Psychology Ixv XVI I LIS T 0 F A B B REV I A T ION S Phil. d. Arithm. Philosophie der Arithmetik "Phil. Rig. Sc." "Philosophy as Rigorous Science" "Phil. str. W." "Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft" ...
