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SELECT AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY I Works by Fichte Breazeale, Daniel, ed. Fichte: EarlyPhilosophical Writings., Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1988. ContaIns texts and selected correspondence from 1792 to 1799 that are helpful for understanding the context in whichthe Wissen'schdftslehre of 1794 occurs. The editor's introdu~tion,"Fichte in Jena," (1-46) is highly recommended . ' , " di Giovanni, George, and H. S. Harris, eds. Between Kant and Hegel: Texts '. in'the Dev,elopment ofPost-Kantian Idealism.' Albany: SUNY Press, 1985. Contains tr~nslationsof Fichte's review of G. E. Schulze's Aenesidemus and also texts from K. L. Reinhold and Solomon Maimon. Fichte,' J. G. Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Ak'ademie der Wissenschaften . Edited by Reinhard Lauth, Hans Jacob, and Hans , Gliwitsky. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1964-. ---, Siimmtliche Werke. 8 vols. Berlin: Veit, 1845. This is the edition prepared by Fichte's son, I. H. Fichte. --'-. The Science ofKnowledge: With First &Second Introductions. . Translated and 'edited by Peter Heath and John Lachs. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1982: ---. "The Science ofKnowledge in Its General Outline (1810)." Translated by Walter E. Wright. Idealistic Studies 6'(19'76): 106-17. A translation of Die Wissenschaftslehre in ihrem allgemeinen Umrisse, SW 2:692-709. . ' --. The Vocation ofMan. Edited by R. M. Chisholm. New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1956. . I Secondary Works Ameriks, Karl. "Kant, Fichte, and Short Arguments to Idealism." Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie 72(1990): 63-85. Argues that a mere analysis ofrepresetltation (without a rethinking of Kant's transcendental deduction), while it will get to the "truth" of I 119 120 I BIB L lOG RAP H Y Kantian philosophy, fails to produce or justify precisely what it uses to get there, namely the practical philosophy. Baumanns, Peter. Fichtes ursprilngliches System: Sein Standort zwischen Kant und Hegel. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1972. Taking a lead from the 1939 work by Weischedel, argues that Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre is an "ontology ofthe human person ," an "ethical anthropology" and sees the Wissenschaftslehre as the basis for Fichte's social philosophy (16&-98). Behler, Ernst. Klassische Ironie, Romantische Ironie, Tragische Ironie: Zum Ursprung dieser Begriffe. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1972. Cf. esp. chap. 4, "Ironie und Dialektik" (85-103). Studien zur Romantik und zur idealistischen Philosophie. Paderborn: Schoningh, 1988. Cf. "Die Theorie der romantischen !ronie" (46-65), for the influence ofFichte, esp. 58ff. Breazeale, Daniel. "Between Kant and Fichte: Karl Leonhard Reinhold's 'Elementary Philosophy.'" Review ofMetaphysics 35 (1982): 785821 . Emphasizes the importance of Reinhold's insistance upon system (consistency and completeness), along with a real (rather than merely a purely fonnal) first principle. ---.. "Fichte's Aenesidemus Review." Review ofMetaphysics 34 (1981): 545-68. Notes the importance ofReihhold for the development of a philosophy based upon a single first principle. . Claesges, Ulrich. Geschichte des Selbstbewuf3tseins: Der Ursprung des spekulativen Problems in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 17941795 . The Hague: Nijhoff, 1974. Emphasizes the importance of the author's own slightly "emended" version of Reinhold's Elementarphilosophie as the basic principle for Fichte's notion of self-consciousness. Druet, Pierre-Philippe. "L"Anstoss' fichteen: essai d'elucidation d'une metaphore." Revue philosophique de Louvain 70 (1972): 384-92. Insists that the sense ofthe word is physical, in the sense of"rational mechanics," Le., something setting something else in movement. Duyckaerts, Fran~ois. "L'imagination productrice dans la logique transcendentale de Fichte." Revue philosophique de Louvain 50 (1952): 230-50. Distjnguishes between the "abstract dialectic" of Kant's transcendental imagination, mediating substance and cause, and the "concrete dialectic" (sensation, space, and time, etc.) ofFichte. Argues that theprod~ctiveimagination is the fundamental insight ofFichte's thought. Gelpcke, Ernst. Die Grundlagen von Fichtes erster Darstellung der Wissenschaftslehre in ihrem Verhaltnis zu den literarischen Bewegungen der Zeit. Greifswald: Abel, 1926. Emphasizes the importance for romanticism of the grounding of the theoretical ego through the productive imagination. Gloy, Karen. "Die drei Grundsatze aus Fichtes 'Grundlage der gesamten WL'von 1794." Philosophisches Jahrbuch 91 (1984): 289-307. Discusses the basic principles ofthe WissenschaftslelJ-re in terms ofKant's regulative ideas. Gueroult, Martial. L'evolution et la structure de la doctrine de la science chez Fichte. 2 vols. in 1. 1930. Reprint. Hildesheim: Olms, 1982. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 20:08 GMT) 121 I BIB L I a G RAP H Y Surveys Fichte's presentations of the Wissenschaftslehre of 1794, 1801, and 1804 and argues that in order to save absolute idealism Fichte must become a realist (cf. 1:377). Hammacher, Klaus. "Zur transzendentallogischen Begrundung der Dialektik bei Fichte." Kant-Studien...
