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263 Index Adán, Martín, 36, 43–48 Adorno, Rolena, 92 Agustini, Delmira, 37 Aldridge, Owen, 113 Alegría, Ciro, 4, 48, 83 Allende, Isabel, 6, 71 Almodóvar, Pedro, 5 American Comparative Literature Association, 115 American studies, 154, 160 Amerindian languages, 117 Amerindian literary cultures, 196 Antelo, Raúl, 133–34 Anzaldúa, Gloria, 59, 85 area studies, 108, 115, 202 Arenas, Reinaldo, xviii, 20, 161, 166– 75 Arguedas, José María, 16, 18, 153–54, 204 Arlt, Roberto, 36, 49–52 Arte Público Press, 123 Asturias, Miguel Ángel, 15–16, 23–24 Auerbach, Erich, 94 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 38–42, 97 Barnet, Miguel, 58 Barth, John, 80 Barthes, Roland, 57, 96, 184 Bassnett, Susan, 109, 111, 113–14, 118, 159 Bello, Andrés, 90 Benjamin, Walter, 145 Bernheimer, Charles, 109, 115, 118, 175 Bernheimer Report, x, 70, 80, 109–10, 112, 117, 122 Beverley, John, xvii, 58–59, 62, 110 Bhabha, Homi, 184 Blades, Rubén, 5 Blake, William, 97 Block de Behar, Lisa, 111, 124 Bloom, Harold, 38–39, 63 Bolívar, Simón, 94, 97, 120 Bombal, María Luisa, 52 boom literature, xvi, 3, 6, 35–40, 52, 57–59, 64, 114, 121 border studies, 85, 152 Borges, Jorge Luis, xi, xii, xviii, 2, 4, 6, 24, 42, 49, 52, 63, 73, 80, 87, 90–94, 97–98, 114, 122, 131–48, 204 Bradstreet, Anne, 80 Brazilian literature, xi, xii, xiiii, 72, 75–76, 86 Brazilian women writers, 74 Buchenau, Barbara, 106 Calvino, Italo, 25 canon, ix, x, xvi, 1, 2, 89–91, 96 Cardenal, Ernesto, 17, 19, 22, 24 Carpentier, Alejo, 21, 87, 90, 93–95, 97, 99–102, 204 Carvalhal, Tânia Franco, 107 Cervantes, Miguel, 48 Chow, Rey, 114 Cixous, Hélène, xi, 71 Closing of the American Mind, The, 1 Cohn, Deborah, 81 collaborative research, 105, 185 colonialism, 89, 92, 111 Columbus, Christopher, 38, 116 comparative American cultures, 199 comparative cultural studies, xv, 119, 120 comparative culture and literary history, 150, 183, 188, 209 comparative literary study, 198 comparative literature and Eurocentrism , 113 comparative literature in Latin America, 111–2 comparative methods, ix, 114, 119, 120–24, 200 comparative unconscious, 125–26 comparative work within one language, 116 constructivism, 153 Coover, Robert, 4 Cornejo Polar, Antonio, 192 Index 264 core curriculum, 90 Cortázar, Julio, 43, 49, 80, 93–95 Cortés, Hernán, 94, 123 Coutinho, Eduardo, 193 cultural cartography, 120, 122 cultural colonization, 121 cultural contact, 198 cultural homogenization, 209 cultural hybridity, 120 cultural imperialism, 206, 209 Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know, 1 cultural studies, 56, 67, 83–86, 105–6, 112, 125, 150, 152, 185 Dante, 90 Darío, Rubén, 37, 62 da Cunha, Euclides, 83 de Andrade, Oswald, 76 de Certeau, Michel, 192 de la Campa, Román, 106, 108, 110, 112, 123, 160 de la Cruz, Sor Juana Inés, 80, 93 de Man, Paul, 57, 131–34, 138, 142, 145 de Matos, Gregório, 80 deconstruction, 59 deconstructive literary criticism, 185 deconstructive theory, 61 dependency theory, 6, 155 Derrida, Jacques, 153 Dickens, Charles, 90 Donoso, José, 114 Dorfman, Ariel, 123, 165–66 Dussel, Enrique, 202 Eliot, T.S., 35 Eltit, Diamela, 66 ethnic studies, 202 Eurocentrism, ix, xii, xvii, 35, 89, 110, 113, 119 European literature, x exceptionalism, 124–26 Faulkner, William, 2, 4, 34, 160 Fernández Retamar, Roberto, 52, 83, 92 Fitz, Earl E., ix, xiii, xvii, 72, 106, 118 formalism, 118 Foucault, Michel, 57, 91, 96, 178, 179, 180, 182 Freud, Sigmund, 52 Freyre, Gilberto, 204 Fuentes, Carlos, 4, 20, 42, 71–73, 85, 87, 94, 97–98 160, 205 Fuguet, Alberto, 71 Galeano, Eduardo, 3, 17, 19 Gallegos, Rómulo, 37 García Canclini, Néstor, 119 García Márquez, Gabriel, 2–4, 35, 43, 48, 59, 73, 80, 87, 93–94, 115, 160, 206–7 Garcilaso de la Vega, El Inca, 156 gender, xvii, 60–62, 150, 161, 168, 174, 179–85, 202 globalization, xviii, 71, 78, 111, 150, 154, 159, 175, 198–209 González Echevarría, Roberto, xi, xiii, 59, 69, 73, 79–81, 87, 109 Good Neighbor Policy, 120 Gorostiza, José, 37 Gramsci, Antonio, 124 Greenblatt, Stephen, 78, 155, 195 Greene Report, 109 Guevara, Che, 94 Guha, Ranajit, 58 Guillén, Nicolás, 3, 4 Guamán Poma de Ayala, Felipe, 156 Güiraldes, Ricardo, 37, 49 Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás, 5 Haraway, Donna, 40 Hegel, G. W. F., 179 Hemingway, Ernest, 36 Henríquez Ureña, Pedro, 194...
