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149 Index Abrahamson, James, 66, 68n29 Ackerman, Leonard E., 122 Agudath Israel, 100, 116n54 Akzin, Benjamin, 103, 116n60 Alexander, Robert, 10 Alfange, Dean, 57 Allied War Crimes Declaration, 9–10 American Jewish Committee, 80 American Jewish Conference, 59 American Jewish Congress, 5, 9, 64 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 14, 82, 120, 121, 124 anti-Semitism, 2; in America, 3, 8; antiSemitic organizations, 3; rise of, 2–3; in the U.S. State Department, 8, 17, 18, 23 Antonescu, Ion, 86, 87 Argentina, 43 Atherton, Ray, 21, 37n21, 49 Auschwitz, 92, 93, 115n43, 134; proposals to bomb gas chambers in, or rail lines leading to, 100–105 Auschwitz Protocols, 92–93, 115–116n44 Austria, German annexation of, 6 Becher, Kurt, 127 Bergson, Peter. See Kook, Hillel Bergson Group, 57, 64, 68–69n30; and the idea of creating a U.S. government relief agency to rescue the Jews, 24–25 Berle, Adolph, 10, 79, 87, 89 Berlin, Meyer, 101–102 Bermuda refugee conference (1943), 11, 42, 43, 89, 90, 127 Bernstein, Edward, 15, 16, 18; on the accomplishments of the War Refugee Board, 112 Bingham, Hiram, IV, 1 Birkenau, 100, 103, 104, 105 Blickenstaff, David, 82 Bloom, Sol, 57, 61, 63 Brand, Joel, 126–127 Bulgaria, 10, 120–121 Cable 354 episode, 21–23, 33, 49–50, 77–78, 114n26; text of the cable, 49 Carr, Wilbur, 4 Celler, Emanuel, 23, 37n33, 43, 52 Churchill, Winston, 68n20 Cohen, Ben, 63, 68n20 communism, 3, 134–135 Connally, Tom, 61, 62 Cox, Oscar, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33–34, 38n44, 62–63, 66 Cretzianu, Alexander, 85, 86–87, 112 Crowley, Leo, 27, 38n43 Cyrenaica, 90 Dalin, David, 114n31 Davis, Elmer, 93–95 Defenders of the Christian Faith, 3 Detzer, Dorothy, 59–60 Devil’s Chemists, The (by Josiah E. DuBois, Jr.), 134, 135 Dewey, Thomas, 68n20 Dickstein, Samuel, 59 Dodd, William E., 5 DuBois, Dorothy, 22, 34 INDEX 150 DuBois, Herb, 13, 131 DuBois, Josiah E., Jr., 1, 8–9, 11, 21, 25–27, 34–35n2, 42, 53, 64–65, 72, 73, 76–77, 79, 107, 109, 119, 128; belief of in justice for the oppressed, 112–113; and the Cable 354 episode, 21–23, 33, 77–78, 114n26; and the definition of war crimes, 105–106; education of, 1, 13; government career of, 13–14; meeting of with Morgenthau and Pehle on the issue of havens for refugees, 99–100; memorandum to President Roosevelt concerning Jewish refugees, 96–99; opinion of Hillel Kook (Peter Bergson ), 66–67; and the Oswego refugee haven propsal, 95–96; as a prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, 132–133; role of on the War Refugee Board, 71, 88–93; at the U.S. Treasury Department , 15, 17. See also “Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews” (DuBois Report), 34, 40–52 (text of) Dunn, James C., 21, 37n22, 77, 79 Durbrow, Elbridge, 21, 37n23, 49 Eden, Anthony, 10, 92 Egypt, refugee camps in, 123 Eichmann, Adolph, 122, 124; offer of to trade Jews for trucks (the Brand affair), 126–27 Einsatzgruppen, 9; number of Soviet Jews murdered by, 9 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 88 Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, 59, 60, 65–66, 83 Evian refugee conference, 6, 12n16, 89 Fedala army barracks, 127–128 Federation of Jewish Communities, 19 Feng-Sham Ho, 1 Fish, Hamilton, 38n50 French Committee of National Liberation , 128 Fries, Herbert, 31 Frischer, Ernest, 104 German–American Bund (American Nazis), 3 Gestapo, the, 19 ghettos, 7–8; in Budapest, 126; disease in, 8; overcrowding in, 7; in Warsaw, 95 Gillette, Guy, 25, 44, 59, 60–61 Gillette-Rogers resolution, 27, 57, 59, 60–61, 62, 64; co-sponsors of in the U.S. Senate, 68n14; Senate version of, 62–63; text of, 56; undermining of by Sol Bloom, 57 Goldhagen, Daniel, 114n31 Goldman, Nahum, 62, 68n17 Goodwin, Richard C., 22, 37n30, 77, 104, 131 Grafton, Sam, 128 Great Britain, 9–10, 47, 90–92, 97, 126, 143–144; aid of to Yugoslavian refugees , 122; failure to cooperate with the War Refugee Board, 119–120; immigration policy of, 6, 10; and the Kindertransport program, 7; obstruction of opportunities to rescue Jews, 6, 10, 11, 25, 85 Great Depression, the, unemployment during, 2 Greece, 121 Greenbaum, Edward S., 65, 68n28 Grew, Joseph C., 111–112, 143, 144 Gunther, Frances, 57, 67, 83 Gustav V (king of Sweden), 125 Hackworth, Green H., 77, 78, 79, 110 Handler, Milton, 25 Harrison, Earl G., 45, 48...
