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477 INDEX Italicized page numbers refer to maps. Aaronsohn, Aaron, 69 Aaronsohn, Alexander, 69 Aaronsohn, Sarah, 69 abandoned property, 212 Abd al-Karim Qassem, ruler of Iraq, 284 Abdul Hamid II, Sultan, 36 Abdullah, King of Jordan, 162–63, 171; assassination of, 273–74 absorption capacity, and immigration limits, 225, 227–28 Abu Ageila, 170 Abu Ghosh, 168 Abu Nidal, 380 Acre, 27, 53 Adenauer, Konrad, 285–86 Ad Halom Bridge, 166 Adloyada processions, 148 Agha, Hussein, 445 Agnew, Spiro, 336 Agnon, S. Y., 56, 60, 142, 316 Agranat Commission, 340, 342, 403 agricultural settlements, 33–42, 107, 231–41, 393; development of, and Emek, 107–17; and development towns, 231–41; establishment of (1948–59), 212, 213. See also kibbutzim; kvutzot; moshavot agricultural training, 232, 253–54 agriculture: almond trees, 112; Arab, and British Mandate, 95; citrus, 29, 41, 112–14; cotton, 214, 234; field crops, 39, 41–42, 112; Jewish, and capital, 107; mixed farming model, 114; scientific advances in, 218; sugar beet, 234; tobacco, 112; as traditional focus of Zionism, 212; viniculture, 112, 114 Agudat Yisrael, 120–21, 179, 182–83, 190, 360, 395–97 Ahad Ha¢am (Asher Ginsberg), 21–22, 40–41, 47, 53–56, 59, 61, 142 Aharonson, Ran, 41 Ahdut Ha¢avoda, 122, 124–25, 142, 194, 204, 280, 340 Al-Aqsa Intifada, 461 Al-Aqsa mosque, 399, 401 Al-Arif, Arif, 174 Al-Azhar University, and Hamas, 414 Alef, 259 Alexander II, Tsar, 6, 11 Al-Gaylani, Rashid Ali, 88 Alignment Party, 204, 340, 357, 391, 418 Aliya. See entries for First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Aliya; Ethiopian Aliya; Great Aliya; Russian Aliya Al-Kaukji, Fawzi, 157, 161 Allenby, General Sir Edmund, 67 Alliance Israélite Universelle, 10–11, 32 Alliance of the Periphery, 284 Allon, Yigal, 188, 256, 280, 317, 341, 345, 388 Allon Plan, 317, 318, 345 Al-Qassam, Azaddin, 84 Altalena a√air, 187–88, 256, 346 Alterman, Nathan, 90–91, 137, 141, 143, 198– 99, 208, 262, 265, 267, 316 Amal, 383 American Council for Judaism, 191 American Jewish Committee (AJC), 191–92 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 11, 24n11, 139, 191 American Jews, 89; aid to Yishuv in World War I, 68; and dual loyalty, 193–94; and ingathering of the exiles, 192; and Israel Bonds, 211; relationship to State of Israel, 191; and SixDay War, 299 Amichai, Yehuda, 267, 332, 344 Amir, Aharon, 259 Amir, Eli, 268 Amit, Meir, 301 Am Olam movement, 13 Am Oved, 145 478 index Amzaleg family, 29 Anglo-Palestine Bank, 208 ‘‘Ani Ma£amin,’’ 402 anti-British sentiment, Arabs and, 81 antisemitism, 3, 18, 21, 34, 81, 125, 143, 236, 277, 322, 475; and Balfour Declaration, 72; characteristics of, 16–17; and Hamas, 413; as part of ‘‘The whole world is against us,’’ 361; in postwar period, 90; in Western Europe, 13–14 Appelfeld, Aharon, 268, 410 Arab boycott of Israel, weakening of, 450–51 Arab Executive Committee, 77 Arab Higher Committee, and Arab Revolt, 84 Arab invasion, in War of Independence, 162–68 Arab League, 155, 157, 272, 371, 448 Arab Legion, 162, 165, 274 Arab Liberation Army, 157 Arab nationalism, 53, 73–74, 81–82, 98. See also pan-Arabism Arab Revolt (1936), 75, 84, 116, 127–28 Arabs: and armistice agreements, 272; flight and/or expulsion of, 174–75, 196–97, 212; infiltration into Israel, 274–77; and 1948 war, 156–57; refusal to recognize Jewish rights to Palestine, 82; and UN resolution on Palestine , 156. See also Palestinians Arabs, Israeli: claims for territorial autonomy, 462; and definition of Israel, 405; discrimination against, 350; holidays, 461; identity shift, with Yom Kippur War, 349; increased radicalization of, 349; and Intifada, 416–17; and Kafr Kassem, 197–98; and Land Day, 351; and Maki, 196; and military government, 197; and Palestinian issue, 463; right to petition the Supreme Court, 403; riots along Green Line, 447; status of, 349 Arab states: and acceptance of Israel’s existence , 448; Begin’s interest in negotiation with, 365–66; and halt of peace process, 437; and Khartoum conference, 319; radicalization of, 284; reaction to Six-Day War, 304; recognition of Israel’s water rights, 287; and Sadat’s peace policy, 368 Arad, 238 Arafat, Yasser, 320; address to UN General Assembly (1974), 337; and antiterror campaign, 438; and Camp David summit, 442–46; fear of assassination, 444; and Hezbollah model, 442; and Oslo Accords, 430; rejection of Clinton Parameters, 447; as symbol of Palestinian nationalism, 414. See also Palestine Liberation Organization...
