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Index "A" (pseud. of Hester Berry), 6, 61-62, 97 Abba: defined, I I I-I 3; as disciple, 122-25; as enemy of death, 243-46; as guide, 142; as physician, 243; as priest, 245-46; as prophet, 144-47 Acedia, 4, 70, 106; defense against shame, 80-8 I; defined, 17I; effects of, 171, 176-81, 186; as eighth deadly sin, 220-21; and illness, 243; as self-hatred, 187-88 American Fiction in the Cold War (Schaub), 15, 108 American Gargoyles (Di Renzo), 98, 186 Amma: defined, 111-13; as enemy of death, 243-46; exemplars of repentance , 188-89; as mother-comforter , 186-88, 241-42; as prayer healer, 194-97; as victim, 107-10, 202-3 Anagogical method, 210, 213-15 Andalusia (O'Connor farm), 8 Anger, 82, 207-10, 268-69 Anthon~Abba, I, 37,43,262,271;on death, 192; legacy of, 184-85; on renunciation , 40 Anthony the Great of Egypt (saint). See Anthony, Abba Arendt, Hannah, 82 "The Artificial Nigger" (O'Connor), 67,91,110-26,13°,178-79,187 Asals, Frederick, II, 53, 185 Asceticism, 16, 59-61, 110-1 I, 12526 , 146; attracting demons, 184-85; and brotherly love, 108; deformations of, 55, 160, 183, 218, 255; and illness, 246-49; as narrative principle , 258-59; in old age, 258; as purification , 254; as response to social injustice, 178-80; as response to terror, 107-10; rise of, 99-100 Athanasius (saint), 38-39, 185-86. See also The Life of Anthony At the Crossroads (Desmond), 2 Augustine (saint), 12, 28, 117, 250, 254, 261. See also Confessions Bacht, Heinrich, 153 Bacon, Jon Lance, 100, 127 Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 27 Baptism, 97-98,159,161-62 Barth, John, 2 Bible, importance of, 8, 18-19, 20, 29, 40,47,133,154,196,225,256 -Old Testament: Deuteronomy, 67; Ecclesiastes, 21 Ii Exodus, 164, 25 I, 256; Genesis, 90, 93i Hosea, 164, 225; Isaiah, 31, 39, 20li I Kings, 154, 256; Micah, 39i Proverbs, 95; Psalms, 39, 271, 273i I Samuel, 254 -New Testament: Colossians, 244i I Corinthians, 244i 2 Corinthians, 281 282 Index 58,92; Ephesians, 152,201; Hebrews , 93, 201,253; James, 254; John, 165, 248i luke, 49, 166, 167; Mark, 37,164,215; Matthew, 19, 5I, 145, 164, 173; I Peter, 20i Philippians , 254; I Thessalonians, 23 Bitterness. See Acedia Body: and ascesis, 7, 32-33, 75, 14142 , 162; and compunction, 173-74; and demons, 89, 138,219-20,23233 ,269-7°; as desert, 15-16, 139; and God, 253, 254-55; as mystery, 101; as prayer, 87, 109-10, 142-43, 268-73; resurrection of, 279i as sign of holiness, 87i and soul, 61-62, 73, 87-88,212-14,270-73; and spiritual warfare, 61-64; and will, 58-64, 103-4, 120, 121 The Body and Society (Brown), 13, 153,202 Brinkmeyer, Robert H., Jr., 11-12 Brown, Peter, 13,21-22,39,134,153, 202 Burns, Marian, 184 Burton-Christie, Douglas, 21, 72, 133, 165,25 1-5 2 Butler, Alban, 48 Bynum, Caroline Walker, 102-3 Carthusian order, 128 Cassian, John, 4, 47, 216-17. See also Conferences; "On Friendship" Cassian the Monk (Stewart), 4-5 Catanyxis, 17,63,200-203, 223, 247; in Bible, 20li and body, 196; in Dante, 201-2; defined, 174-75; needed, 217-18; and reader, 201; See also Conversion; Wound of love Children as ascetics, 92-98, 100-103, 223-24 Chitty, Derwas T., 113 Christian Friendship in the Fourth Century (White), 264 "A Circle in the Fire" (O'Connor), 66, 67, 75, 76-79 Cistercian order, 42, 91, 128 City as desert, 34, 35-37, 114, 117, 121-22, 239, 261-62 Coles, Robert, 176,250 The Comedy of Redemption (Wood), 12, IS liThe Comforts of Home" (O'Connor), 37, 184-93 Compunction. See Penthos Conferences (Cassian), 93-94, 95, 116, 122; on ascetic progress, 47-49, 60; on demonic delusions, 216-17; on desert calls, 90-92, 129; on discernment , 55, 68; on evil thought-flow, 156; historical importance of, 4; on prayer, 57-58. See also liOn Friendship " Confessions (Augustine), 12, 2 So; on friendship, 262 Conversion, 55-56,63,200, 253; and desert women, 189; and renunciation , 256 "Crediting Poetry" (Heaney), 270-71 Daily Readings with the Desert Fathers (Ward), 226-27, 234 Dante, 95,114,115,117,122,209-10; and comedy, 238; on paradise, 164; on punishment, 210-r 1,213, 214; on wound of love (catanyxis), 201-2...
