In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Missing from both this volume and the 1986 monograph is a comprehensive chapter on ceramics. The primary reason for this is that the overwhelming majority (for example, 94 percent in the case of collections from Ozier Mound) of ceramics from Pinson Mounds have surfaces that are plain, cordmarked, or fabric-marked and a paste that is fairly sandy and sometimes includes particles of baked clay. The corresponding types and type-varieties are well established in the literature (e.g., Cotter and Corbett 1951; Jenkins 1981; Mainfort and Chapman 1994a, b; Mainfort and Walling 1992), and rehashing the fine points of sorting criteria seems unnecessary. In truth, this material contributes little to the story of Pinson Mounds. Sherds with one or more characteristics that mark them as nonlocal (e.g., surface treatment, temper , or chemical composition), however, figure prominently in some chapters, but with rare exceptions there are so few specimens assignable to various types that a compendium of type descriptions would say little more than something along the lines of “Type originally described by Phillips et al. 1951:73.” With a nod to my late friend Jimmy Griffin, a comprehensive, though not exhaustive, tabulation of ceramics from all areas excavated is presented below. Types/surface treatments are organized by macroscopic temper (or aplastic paste inclusions) group. Some unusual sherds that are unique to the Duck’s Nest sector are not included, nor are sherds with eroded surfaces, with the exception of limestone-tempered specimens, which are not products of the local ceramic tradition. Proveniences are listed in the order in which they appear in the text. Summary counts of common surface treatments appear at the bottom of the table (next page). ■ 235 Appendix I Ceramics from Pinson Mounds Baldwin Plain 119 20 91 100 97 87 9 8 6 76 1 42 193 5 14 868 Furrs Cordmarked 240 77 226 519 214 535 131 13 10 174 10 79 1356 2 6 3592 Saltillo Fabric Impressed 78 53 24 1 4 78 249 45 62 39 47 680 Basin Bayou Incised 1 2 3 McLeod Check Stamped 3 2 5 McLeod Simple Stamped 1 23 24 sand-tempered cf. Cormorant Cord Impressed 1 4 5 sand-tempered incised 4 2 7 1 3 17 sand-tempered punctated 1 2 3 sand-tempered red filmed 1 1 2 sand-tempered brushed? 4 4 8 incised over Furrs Cordmarked 1 1 2 Baytown Plain, var. Tishomingo 51 3 27 28 23 23 8 9 22 22 14 2 232 Mulberry Creek Cordmarked, var. Tishomingo 35 16 72 49 19 35 11 39 2 63 24 3 368 Withers Fabric Marked, var. Craigs Landing 102 7 16 1 1 2 1 9 52 1 117 9 2 320 Swift Creek Complicated Stamped 1 1 4 1 74 81 cf. Santa Rosa Punctated 2 1 3 6 sand/clay-tempered check stamped 2 1 3 sand/clay-tempered simple stamped 1 1 sand/clay-tempered zoned incised 4 4 sand/clay-tempered curvilinear incised 1 1 sand/clay-tempered incised 1 2 1 4 sand/clay-tempered red filmed 1 1 2 Baytown Plain 14 1 2 13 30 Mulberry Creek Cordmarked 19 4 6 2 13 7 51 Withers Fabric Marked 26 1 7 10 44 Marksville Incised 2 18 9 1 1 31 Marksville Stamped 1 1 4 6 Larto Red 1 3 1 3 5 1 1 21 36 clay-tempered incised 2 2 clay-tempered punctated 1 1 2 clay-tempered single cord impressed 1 1 sand/bone-tempered cordmarked 2 5 7 sand/bone-tempered simple stamped 1 1 sand/clay/bone-tempered cordmarked 10 10 sand/clay/bone-tempered incised 1 1 Mulberry Creek Plain 20 3 1 2 68 94 Flint River Cordmarked 1 1 26 28 Wright Check Stamped 2 2 limestone-tempered punctated 1 1 limestone-tempered eroded 12 5 9 5 31 podal support 3 1 3 7 TOTAL 725 176 499 732 357 683 219 72 106 664 18 214 2008 72 71 6616 plain 184 23 119 128 120 110 19 17 6 98 1 55 283 19 16 1130 cordmarked 294 93 302 568 233 570 148 52 12 239 10 92 1428 5 6 4011 fabric marked 206 60 41 1 2 2 12 0 87 301 1 55 179 48 49 1044 Ozier Cochran Twin Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Mound 31 Mound 12 Mound 12 Mound 12 Mound 10 Mound 14 Duck’s E. Citadel...
