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Acuff, Roy, 206 affirmative action, 161, 175 African Americans. See also black community ; race relations Agnew, Spiro, 201, 208–209 Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), 16, 21–23, 33–34, 47 agricultural reform: Huey Long, 6–7, 16, 21–24; mechanization efforts, 34, 43, 45–47; New Deal policies, 31–34, 45–49 Ahmed, Nahfiza, 178 Aiken, George, 199 Alabama: biracial politics, 175; black activism, 93, 122; civil rights movement , 124; organized labor, 35–36; school desegregation, 118, 138; southern political liberalism, 40, 58–59 Alexander, Will, 38, 70 Alger, Bruce, 76–77, 78 Allen, George, 175 Allen, O. K., 8, 10, 16 Alston, Lee, 37 Andress, Stanford, 204 Angelou, Maya, 50, 51 anti-communism sentiments, 70, 75, 83, 93, 108–11, 186–87 anti-Long politicians, 9, 16–19, 27, 157 anti-Semitism, 162, 173 anti-union tactics, 35–36 Arkansas, 88–101, 117–18, 171 Arkansas Council on Human Relations, 91 Arkansas Plan, 89, 113–114 Arrington, Richard, 172 Ashmore, Harry, 89, 98, 113, 128 Askew, Reubin, 171 authoritarianism, 55 Bailey, Josiah, 32, 40 Bailey, Pou, 84–85 Baker, Howard, 201, 203, 205–6, 210 Baldwin, C. B., 38 Barden, Graham, 81 Barnett, Ross, 123 Bartley, Numan, 42, 87, 98, 109, 113, 121, 126, 128–29 Baruch, Bernard, 183 Bass, Harry, 121 Bass, Ross, 80 Beckwith, Byron Delay, 171 Beckworth, Lindley, 63, 65 Begala, Paul, 177 Bentsen, Lloyd, 82 Bilbo, Theodore, 5, 8, 27, 41, 67, 69 Biles, Roger, 60 Billups, Buddy, 158 biracial politics: in Alabama, 175; anticommunism sentiments, 108–9; in Arkansas, 88; and the black community , 120–26, 163–80; conservative politics, 124–26; Democratic Party, 176–80; in Louisiana, 155–56, 163–67, 175; low-income populations , 123–26, 166, 168–69; New South politics, 170–72, 211–212; in North Carolina, 85 Republican Party, 173–76; and southern political liberalism, 105–13; and voting reform, 168–70 black activism, 93, 106, 111, 134, 142 black belt regions: Alabama, 58, 65, 113; Louisiana, 3, 12; racial change, 168, 212; school desegregation, 115–16 South Carolina, 84; southern political liberalism , 40, 112 black community: agricultural reform effects, 50–52; in Arkansas, 88–100; biracial politics, 120–26, 163–80; Democratic Party, 176–80; economic reforms, 179–80; federal mandated programs, 123; in Louisiana, 155–58; 259 Index moderate politicians, 85–87, 156; New Deal policies, 37–39, 42–43; in North Carolina, 102–4; political support , 120–26; Republican Party, 173–76; school desegregation, 72, 76–77, 79, 88–96; in South Carolina, 135–42; southern political liberalism, 105, 118–21; voting rights, 61, 112–13, 119, 124, 155–56, 168–77; wartime impact, 66–69 Black, Earl, 114 Black, Hugo, 40, 58, 62, 116–17 Blanton, Ray, 204 Blossom, Virgil, 89–90, 117–18 Bonner, Herbert, 81 Boutwell, Albert, 124 Bowles, Chester, 197 Brinkley, Alan, xiv, 3, 17, 22, 29, 60, 110, 155 Brock, William, xv–xvi, xxix, 170, 200–201, 204–12 Brookshire, Sanford, 123 Brooks, Jack, 75, 78, 105 Brooks, Jennifer, 69, 106 Brown, George, 64, 183 Brown school desegregation decision: and black community, 88–96; in Louisiana, 158–59; and race relations, 108; in South Carolina, 128–29, 132; and Southern Manifesto, 72, 76–77, 79–81; and southern political liberalism , 114–18 Byant, Nick, 128 Bumpers, Dale, 124, 171 Bundy, McGeorge, 192–93 Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 48 Burleson, Omar, 76 Bush, George, 173 business-progressivism, 5–7, 30, 64, 69, 151 Byrd, Harry, 72, 116 Byrd, Marvin, 92 Byrnes, James F., 27, 131–33 Carleton, Mark T., 7 Caro, Robert, 65 Carraway, Hattie, 27 Carswell, Harold, 205, 209 Carter, Amon, 76 Carter, Betty, 157 Carter, Dan, xxiv, 128, 161, 174 Carter, Hodding, 12, 19, 108, 157 Carter, Jimmy, 171 Carville, James, 177 Cauthen, John, 138 Chappell, David, 111, 120, 122 Chatham, Thurmond, 82, 84–85, 119–20 Childhood: A Biography of Place (Crews), 50, 51–52 Christenberry, Earle, 27 Christian Right, 161, 172–176, 212 Church, Frank, 199 Citizens’ Councils: in Arkansas, 91–93; in Louisiana, 159; and school desegregation , 115–16; in South Carolina, 134; war veterans and, 106 Civil Rights Act (1957), 112 civil rights movement: demonstrations, 136–37, 170; economic impact, 123–25; New Deal policies, 37–39, 42; in North Carolina, 123–25, 170; segregation issues, 105–6; in South Carolina, 130–31, 136–42; southern political liberalism, 60–61, 123–25; violence, 108; World War II, 43 Civil Works Administration (CWA), 16, 20 Clement, Frank, 79, 203 Clemson University, 138–39 Clinton, Bill, 177 Cobb...
