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Acknowledgments M Y INTELLECTUAL and practical debts are many. First, I had graduate student collaborators on several chapters in this book that, although edited additionally for this publication, originally appeared elsewhere. I thank in this connection Richard B. Bernard, Connie Hum, Michael Francis Johnston, Rebecca Kim, Victoria Ojeda, and Elsa von Scheven. Additionally, two undergraduate work-study student assistants, Angie Yi and Neerada Garcia, sweated over the text, the notes, the excel files, and the other, endless tasks that every book requires. Anthony Alvarez also proofed text and tables, and assembled polling data on regional attitudes toward immigration. I thank them all for their tireless and careful work. Several undergraduate students at UCLA were sufficiently interested in and enthusiastic about this book that they took photographs for it. Their photographs appear along with a few of my own, I thank Maria Benitez, Marissa Manalo, Mayra Marentes, Rachel Sarabia, Lizabeth Suon, and Antonio Vallejo Jr. for their contributed photographs . I thank Elizabeth Tirado for her archival research. I also thank the Research Committee of the University of California Academic Senate that supported five of these chapters with small research grants. The University of California’s Institute for Mexico and the United States provided a small grant that permitted me to expand the data analysis in chapter 2 during the summer of 2005. During the spring of 2002, I enjoyed a three month fellowship at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst, Germany, where the earliest version of chapter 1 was presented at a colloquium. The Rockefeller Foundation also gave me the benefit of thirty peaceful days at their Bellagio Study Center, a valuable gift of time. Several colleagues took the time to read and critically evaluate my chapters. I thank especially Edna Bonacich, Rubén HernándezLe ón, Robert Kloosterman, Jan Rath, and Jeffrey Reitz. Anonymous reviewers of the book manuscript offered some excellent advice. Naturally , despite these liberal and generous helpers, I bear exclusive responsibility for errors of fact, interpretation, or method. xv Finally, as ever, I owe my physical survival to my practical wife, Leah, who never hesitated to remind me that, however parlous the state of the world, our garbage cans needed to be curbside Wednesday mornings. Ivan Light xvi Acknowledgments ...
