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Index Numbers in boldface refer to figures and tables. Abra:nyi, E., 103 Abramovitz, M., 325, 331 Abramson, H., 188 academic achievement, 179-83,203,205-6 accidental reversals, and causal relationships, 26 accommodation, vs. assimilation, 185-86. See also ethnic stratification; segmented assimilation acculturation: and access to education, 232; and American cultural dominance, 195n20; and assimilation, 162-64, 188-90,260,261; and cultural diversity, 141-42; vs. ethnic retention, 161-71; ethnic variation in levels of, 221-22; historical comparison, 212-13; importance of, 197; infant health issue, 177; intergenerational factors, 200, 205, 207, 208; and legal issues, 263; selective, 30; and social assimilation, 218-20; vs. structural assimilation , 138-40. See also cultural considerations; transnational migration Ackerman, S., 47 active citizen, 301, 302-3 activism, immigrant, and transnationalism, 110 Adams, H., 2 Adams, J., 275 adaptation: collectivism vs. individualism, 258-59; ethnic stratification, 134-35, 143-45; and gherto entrepreneurship , 22-23; historical view of, 21; immigration as micro-level, 55; second generation focus, 29-30, 2067 ; structural theory and class, 200-201; and tendency to transnational networking, 109; variations in, 188. See also acculturation; assimilation; ethnic stratification; transnational migration admission policy, immigration policy as, 314 adolescents, 177-79, 185, 194n9-10, 206, 207 Adorno, T., 285 adversarial subculture. See oppositional culture affirmative action, 377, 405 Mrican Americans: academic achievement levels, 206; ambivalence on immigration, 295; and blackface, 288, 289; difficulties of assimilation for, 130-31, 149; immigrant whiteness as distinction from, 105,229-30; infant health issue, 175-77; in-marriage rates, 220; and internal migration, 388; Irish prejudice against, 287-88; job discrimination against, 407; and Korean immigrants, 378-79,406-7; and Latinos, 245-46,251, 371-72, 374,375,401-8,419-21,423-32; mobility issues, 230-31; and oppositional culture, 235; social networks as isolation from dominant society, 210; spatial dispersal levels, 156; stereotyping of other minority groups, 39598 ,405; whites' prejudices against, 287-88, 380 Mrican immigrants: discrimination problems, 164; English language proficiency, 190; increases in, 34, 35; and racial divide in America, 203-4. See also Caribbean immigrants age demographic, 325, 326, 352. See also children agency, and migration, 55, 60, 238 The Age ofMass Migration (Hatton and WLlliamson), 321 aggregate production function, 322 agrarian community, dislocation oflabor from, 41 agriculture, 41, 46, 48 Akbari, A., 353 AJba,R., 162, 165, 167, 174,212,218, 219,220,28889 AJgerian immigrants, expatriation of, 357 alienation, and Americanization, 283 Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster (Brimelow), 373 AJtonji, J., 352, 354 American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword (Lipset), 191-92 American Immigration (Jones), 320 Americanization: as assimilation, 172-73, 193n3, 195n19; criticism of, 280-82; and group consciousness, 278-79; historical origins of, 275-76; and pluralism, 279-80, 282-87; and racial issues, 277-78, 287-91 The American Kaleidoscope (Fuchs), 283 The American Language (Mencken), 148 American society: ambivalence about multiculturalism, 112-13,395; attitudes toward family, 262-63; collectivism vs. individualism, 258-59; as context for segmented assimilation, 201-3; dominance of core culture, 139,189, 195n20; historical racism of, 148-49; nationalism of cold war period, 107-8; nationality definition in, 300-301; neo-isolationism in, 362-64; openness to diversity, 135-36; skin color's importance, 130-31; support for transnationalism in, 105-7; unified core of, 199-200. See also Americanization; nativism analytic induction, 28 ancestor worship, and preservation of origin culture, 259 ancestry studies, on socioeconomic mobility over generations ,226 Andreas, P., 391 Anglo-conformiry, 173-74. See also European Americans anti-Catholicism, 384 anticommunism, lack of nativism in, 388 antiradical nativism, 384 Appadurai, A., 58 apparel industry, and women immigrants, 63 Arendt, H., 82 Aristide, J., 111 Armenian immigrants, self-employment rates, 247 Armey, R., 363 articulatory migration networks, 56 ascribed attributes of individuals, and labor market opportunity , 246. See also ethnicity Asian Americans: academic achievement levels, 206; advantages for second generation, 152; Mrican Americans' perceptions of, 375; in-marriage rates, 220; and panethnicity , 221; poverty status, 204 Asian immigrants: academic achievement of, 180; adaptation of original cultural elements, 207, 259; and Mrican Americans, 371-72, 378-79, 395, 425-26; educational attainment, 149, 187, 231, 232-33, 243, 305; entrepreneurship of, 22, 247, 379,425-26; ethnic economy 488 Index Asian immigrants (cont.) participation, 149, 152-53; and ethnic identity, 267; evolution of white attitudes, 60, 72, 73, 76, 148-49; gender issues, 63, 65-66; increases in, 35, 391, 417; infant health issue, 175-77; intermingling with whites...
