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2 Updraft There are three commas, in this description, of the crown of thorns, and finally a spot of blood. There are three commas, in this description, which cannot be gotten out, or driven further in. There are three commas, in this description, and you can see how they bend, when they’re struck. There are three commas, in this description, though only the third, shifted with the crown. There were three commas, in this description, until another spot of blood fell above the last; (we must not forget that he is here); that it makes the commas looser, to strike the last, that he is growing weaker; he is; bleeding out; how it; unfolds; is still beyond our control. There are three commas, in this description, which bring the body into language, and keep it there. There are three commas, in this description, which pin these words, to the sheet below. If we carried his body; if we carried his body in this sheet; (we must not forget that he is here); what would we ask him; if the commas were placed, where they could be pulled, what would he have done; and, if he turns his head to answer, there will be three commas, in the description of the wound; and if he turns his head to answer, and the thorns should catch here, who will help him turn it back, there will be three commas, in the description, of their injured hand. ...
