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A Dark andAgeless Voice ... I was in a white robe, and had bright yellow hair. Grim mountains surrounded the world like impenetralsle prer.isterie ~, and behind them tr.e me1:1:l'ltail'ls a dark and ageless Voice, which I knew was God. The earth was covered ftlleft-with people in agony: The ground e/if'tft-quaked and opened its ~I eat ma .. ana pe1:1:rea pouring out streams of tire, ..hieh leapte1:1:t ef tr.e eere ef tfie tre1:1:lslea planet ana swallowed everyone ffi-4t8 Iftitis-t. One after another people I had known for years were swept il'lte these 'uells ef death before my striekel'l eyes. f-wI;ts petrifiea. The earth had been turned into an il'lfernal oven from which it seemed there was no escape. No patch of ground was StH'e-ef' stable; the moment one stepped anywhere on ffit-the surface it '1,'e1:1:la ~i¥e gave way, al'la the sereamil'l~ 't'ietim: ..etlla lse ls1:1:riea alh·e in its ef'l:1:st. I was certain that I was going to die like the rest. Suddenly I heard the Voice speak to me from the mountains : "No, you will not die, you are my bright and selfless child, and I love you." I listened and my hope for life was sli~ht1} raised, although I awoke from the dream feeling Wf'}"disturbed, since I thought that God was l!tH'f?ly-overestimating me and that I 'IIe1:1:la, il'l the ena, alse too, would be consumed. It seemed to me a matter of spiritual strength whether or not one was destroyed , and I knew that for this reason my faith and love had to be kept pure ... ...
