In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

139 Index A Abelard, 55 Abortion, 37, 84, 86, 110 Abraham, 46 Adam and Eve, 31 Americanization, 64 Apocalypse, 9, 120, 126 Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 93, 100 Aristotle, 52, 55, 89, 93 Augustine, 93, 100, 133 B Bernanos, Georges, 120 Béroul, 72 Brezhnev, Leonid, 7 C Caiaphas, 34 Cain and Abel, 31, 93 Capitalism, 9, 81 Carmen, 14 Catholic Church, 84–86 Cervantes, Miguel de, 14 Chernobyl, 49, 89 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 53–54 Chrétien de Troyes, 72 Churchill, Winston, 79 Communism, 5, 82, 83, 119 Conversion, 2, 6, 35, 54, 66, 130–131 Creationists, 110 D Darwin, Charles, 50, 88, 110 Death drive, 106–107 Dionysus, 69, 99, 102, 134 Dogma, 36, 92, 96, 100–101 Domenach, Jean-Marie, 93 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 14, 17, 98 Drewermann, Eugen, 93 Dupuy, Jean-Pierre, 33 Durkheim, Emile, 25, 109 E Eastern Europe, 3, 10, 72 Esau, 74 Eternal Husband, The, 17 F Flying saucers, 90 Foucault, Michel, 73 French triangle, 16 Fukuyama, Francis, 49, 82 140 Index G GATT agreements, 8 Gauchet, Marcel, 121 Gerasenes, 35, 70 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 6–7 H Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 82 Heidegger, Martin, 5, 18, 51, 55, 69, 90, 134 Herod, 32, 33, 76 Hitler, Adolf, 79 Hobbes, Thomas, 13, 25 Holocaust, 82, 94 Human rights, 2, 49, 62, 73, 81, 84 I Innovation, 46–47 Isaac, 46, 86 J Jeremy, 77 Joachim de Flore, 82 Job, 29–30, 40, 77 John the Baptist, 33 Jonah, 77, 120 Joseph, 28–29, 77 Joyce, James, 14, 16–17, 126 L Lacan, Jacques, 44 M Mahler, Gustav, 130 Malraux, André, 66 Marcionism, 95 Marivaux, Pierre de, 14, 15, 45 Martin Luther King, 84 Marxism, 4–6, 89, 108 Middle Ages, 7, 58, 64, 78 Middle East, 76 Midsummer Night’s Dream, A, 15 Molière, 14, 39, 45 N National-Socialism, 5 Nazism, 4–6, 8, 34, 108 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 5, 8, 18, 37, 38, 55, 69, 102, 117, 125, 134–135 O Oedipus, 21–23, 28–29, 30, 32–33, 35, 48, 92, 102, 134 Oedipus complex, 87, 105, 107, 129 P Plato, 12, 18, 27, 43, 55, 93, 115 Political correctness, 38–39 Pontius Pilate, 28, 32, 34, 41, 76 Postman Cheval, 128 Protestantism, 100 Proust, Marcel, 14, 129 R Racine, Jean, 45, 114 Regional costumes, 73 Renan, Ernest, 95 Ring, The, 14 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 41 S Sartre, Jean-Paul, 109 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 4 Starobinski, Jean, 36 Stendhal, 11, 14 Stravinsky, Igor, 130 Structuralism, 93, 109–10 Surrealists, 108 T Tocqueville, Alexis de, 80–81 Troilus and Cressida, 15 V Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Auguste, 17 Voltaire, 73, 75 W Weil, Simone, 81, 93 Woolf, Virginia, 109 ...
