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DOCUMENT 13 Document 13 is an inscription on a copper kettledrum preserved in the family of the Funj sultans. According to A.E. Robinson, "Mek [Sultan] Nasr, the lineal descendent of Mek Badi [VI] the Fung Sultan who surrendered [to the Turks in 1821] possesses a nehas [na~as] or copper drum .... Tradition states that this drum is the original Fung drum and [that] the gold was removed in times of stress by the persons into whose hands it passed."l The text reads: ul.b.LJ1 A.JIZ )..01 A.JIZ u'1,J..; ul.b.LJ1 Vi A.Jl..; .~I~I~~ ulb.L.J1 Lo..Y J} .:r J.; ulb.L.J1 Vi \$.) 4 ...ulo~ 0:"'1 The drum of the land The drum of Sultan 'Amara the son of Sultan 'Adlan Whose ancient forefather came from LuI Sultan Badi the son of Sultan Nol caused it to be made May God grant him victory Amen lA.E.R.[obinson], "The Fung Drum or Nehas," Sudan Notes and Records 4 (1921): 211-212. 89 ...
