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91 Glossary Aki: Mother Earth baaga’adowe: lacrosse bagamaagan: war club ikwewag miimiwag: the women dance ishkoonigan: leftover land kinnikinnik: tobacco made from inner bark of Red Willow kookoosh: boogeyman Kookum: Grandmother Manitou: Creator mekwon: ladle Mide: Midewiwin Nookomis: Grandmother obodashkwanishi: dragonfly ogichida ikwewag: warrior women ogimah inini: male leader opwaagun: pipe Paypithtikway: Come in! rugaroo: a bad spirit that shape shifts from a black dog to a man during Lent Shahmock: Right now! sibising: Little Stream that Sings taw-pway: agreement; yes Tonshe keya: How are you? Waabishi-ma’iingan: White Wolf ziibaaska’iganagooday: jingle dress ...
