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254 Boyd & Mack/The Collected Works ofNana Asma 'u 13 The women students and their children are well known for their good works and peaceful behaviour in the community. 14 May God forgive her sins, have mercy upon her and unite her with the Shehu in Paradise. 0 God hear this request. 15 And reward her for her good works which she performed with the blessed aid of Shehu, who is known by everyone. 16 May she receive Divine assistance to answer the questions, and in her grave may she have light and reassurance. 17 May she be redeemed and united with others in Paradise where joy is certain. 18 And with everyone who, in this life, loved me and were my helpers. 19 I give thanks to God. This poem is ended, may God receive it for the sake ofthe Shehu for whom in my heart I yearn. 20 May the Peace ofGod be upon the Prophet and his Companions who obeyed his instructions. 21 The date ofthe Hijra is 1275. Fear of the Hereafter Damde-damgal Famarde I Tsorace-tsoracen Tsqyin Kivama 29 July 1860 - lOth Muharram 1277 (a Friday) Lanljllaies oforiginal: Fulfulde, Hausa Sources oftext: Waziri Junaidu, Baraden Wamako Introduction: Works 43/44 These works were written at the same time in two languages for two different audiences, indicating the immediacy and universal importance ofthe message. The poems address the issues ofhow the world will end and the fate ofboth the wicked in Hell (suffering degrading tortures) and the virtuous in Paradise (who are filled with joy). For more such eschatological poetry by Asma'u 254 Boyd & Mack/The Collected Works ojNana Asma 'u 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The women students and their children are well known for their good works and peaceful behaviour in the community. May God forgive her sins, have mercy upon her and unite her with the Shehu in Paradise. 0 God hear this request. And reward her for her good works which she performed with the blessed aid of Shehu, who is known by everyone. May she receive Divine assistance to answer the questions, and in her grave may she have light and reassurance. May she be redeemed and united with others in Paradise where joy is certain. And with everyone who, in this life, loved me and were my helpers. I give thanks to God. This poem is ended, may God receive it for the sake ofthe Shehu for whom in my heart I yearn. May the Peace ofGod be upon the Prophet and his Companions who obeyed his instructions. The date ofthe Hijra is 1275. Works 43/44 Fear of the Hereafter Damde-damgal Famarde / Tsorace-tsoracen Tsayin Kiyama 29 July 1860 - 10th Mnharranl 1277 (a Friday) Fulfulde, Hausa Waziri Junaidu, Baraden Wamako Lan~a~es ofori~6nal: Sources oftext: Introduction: These works were written at the same time in two languages for two different audiences, indicating the immediacy and universal importance of the message. The poems address the issues ofhow the world will end and the fate of both the wicked in Hell (suffering degrading tortures) and the virtuous in Paradise (who are filled with joy) For more such eschatological poeily by Asma'u 254 Boyd & Mack/The Collected Works ojNana Asma 'u 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The women students and their children are well known for their good works and peaceful behaviour in the community. May God forgive her sins, have mercy upon her and unite her with the Shehu in Paradise. 0 God hear this request. And reward her for her good works which she performed with the blessed aid of Shehu, who is known by everyone. May she receive Divine assistance to answer the questions, and in her grave may she have light and reassurance. May she be redeemed and united with others in Paradise where joy is certain. And with everyone who, in this life, loved me and were my helpers. I give thanks to God. This poem is ended, may God receive it for the sake ofthe Shehu for whom in my heart I yearn. May the Peace ofGod be upon the Prophet and his Companions who obeyed his instructions. The date ofthe Hijra is 1275. Works 43/44 Fear of the Hereafter Damde-damgal Famarde / Tsorace-tsoracen Tsayin Kiyama 29 July 1860 - 10th Mnharranl 1277 (a Friday) Fulfulde, Hausa Waziri Junaidu, Baraden Wamako Lan~a~es ofori~6nal: Sources oftext: Introduction: These works were written at...
