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Boyd & Mack/The Collected Works ofNana Asma 'u in English Languages oforiginal: Source oftext" Note on Translation The Joumey Filitq~o / WaKqr Gewaye 1839/1840 - 1255; 1865/1866 - 1282 FulfuldelHausa Waziri Junaidu 131 Works 20/51 This translation is based on Fulfulde and Hausa texts of the work from the library of Waziri Junaidu, and an English version by Aisha Ahmed (1981). The spirit ofthe work has been accommodated through attention to all versions, and also a close scrutiny of Infiiq al-Maisur by Asma'u's brother Bello. The ftrst version ofthis work was composed in Fulfulde by Nana Asma'u. Her brother Isa translated it into Hausa after her death as a tribute to her. Nevertheless it is well known in Hausa and Nana Asma'u is popularly considered to be the author. Another scholar, Abdulkadir, translated it into Arabic with the title Mqusafat ql_Sudan.273 The English translation given here has three sources: (1) the Fulfulde ajami version (Text A) from Waziri's library (i.e. by Asma'u); (2) the Hausa ajami version (Text B), also from Waziri's library (i.e. by Isa); (3) the English version by Aisha Ahmed (1981) which was made by using a Hausa roman version (Text C) which is also found in Bello Sa'id (1973). The ultimate source of Text C is not known. Texts A and B were rendered into Hausa roman by AlKali Sidi Sayudi and Muhammadu Magaji respectively, in Sokoto. Major differences in verse order between the Fulfulde and Hausa versions are discussed below in the Signiftcant Features section. In the appendix we have provided both the Fulfulde ajami (Work 20) and the Hausa transliterated ajami form (Work 51). The reader is welcome to examine these against the English translation, which represents our attempt to retain the intentions ofthe work through consideration of all versions. "'See also note to Introduction to Work 22/50, and note at v. 81 there. Boyd & Mack/The Collected Works ofNana Asma 'u in English 131 Works 20/51 The Journey Filita~ / WaKar Gewaye 183911840 - 1255; 1865/1866 - 1282 FulfuldelHausa Waziri Junaidu Languages oforiginal: Source oftext· Note on Translation This translation is based on Fulfulde and Hausa texts of the work from the library of Waziri Junaidu, and an English version by Aisha Ahmed (1981). The spirit of the work has been accommodated through attention to all versions, and also a close scrutiny of Intaq al-Maisur by Asma'u's brother Bello. The first version ofthis work was composed in Fulfulde by Nana Asma'u. Her brother Isa translated it into Hausa after her death as a tribute to her. Nevertheless it is well known in Hausa and Nana Asma'u is popularly considered to be the author. Another scholar, Abdulkadir, translated it into Arabic with the title Mqusijfat ai-Sudan.m The English translation given here has three sources: (1) the Fulfulde ajami version (Text A) from Waziri's library (i.e. by Asma'u); (2) the Hausa ajami version (Text B), also from Waziri's library (i.e. by Isa); (3) the English version by Aisha Ahmed (1981) which was made by using a Hausa roman version (Text C) which is also found in Bello Sa'id (1973). The ultimate source of Text C is not known. Texts A and B were rendered into Hausa roman by AlKali Sidi Sayudi and Muharnmadu Magaji respectively, in Sokoto. Major differences in verse order between the Fulfulde and Hausa versions are discussed below in the Significant Features section. In the appendiX we have provided both the Fulfulde ajami (Work 20) and the Hausa transliterated ajami form (Work 51). The reader is welcome to examine these against the English translation, which represents our attempt to retain the intentions ofthe work through consideration of all versions. "'See also note to Introduction to Work 22/50, and note at v. 81 there. Boyd & Mack/The Collected Works ofNana Asma 'u in English 131 Works 20/51 The Journey Filita~ / WaKar Gewaye 183911840 - 1255; 1865/1866 - 1282 FulfuldelHausa Waziri Junaidu Languages oforiginal: Source oftext· Note on Translation This translation is based on Fulfulde and Hausa texts of the work from the library of Waziri Junaidu, and an English version by Aisha Ahmed (1981). The spirit of the work has been accommodated through attention to all versions, and also a close scrutiny of Intaq al-Maisur by Asma'u's brother Bello. The first version ofthis work was composed in Fulfulde by Nana Asma'u. Her brother Isa translated...
