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Notes Chapter 1 1. Washington Post, July 25, 1967. 2. DN, Mar. 1, 1966; Los Angeles Times, Feb. 6,1966, DRSB No.1; Stanley H. Brown, "Detroit: Slow Healing of a City," Fortune 7 (June 1965): 144. 3. For the 1943 riot and its background, see Dominic J. Capeci, Jr., Race Relations in Wartime Detroit: The Sojourner Truth Controversy (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1984); Robert Shogan and Tom Craig, The Detroit Riot (Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1964); Alfred McClung Lee and Norman Raymond Humphrey, Race Riot (New York: Dryden Press, 1943); Alan Clive, State of War: Michigan in World War II (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1979), pp. 136-37, 141-42, 144-50, 156-62; Harvard Sitkoff, "The Detroit Race Riot of 1943," Michigan History 53 (Fall 1969): 183-206; Robert Conot, American Odyssey (New York: William Morrow and Co., 1974), pp. 376-86; B. J. Widick, Detroit: City ofRace and Class Violence (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972), pp. 93-111; and Baker et al. and Bratton et al. vs. City of Detroit et al. ... Civil Nos. 5-71837 and 5-72264, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan , Southern Division, 1979, pp. 10-11, copy of manuscript opinion in my possession (hereafter cited as Keith opinion). 4. DN, June 30, 1943; Shogan and Craig, Detroit Riot, pp. 67, 70-71, 75-76, 79-82, 116-17, 149-50, 153-59; Lee and Humphrey, Race Riot, pp. 42-43, 61, 75; Sitkoff, "Race Riot," pp. 190-91, 193-96,205. 5. DN, June 30, 1943. 6. Tyrone Tillery, "The Conscience of a City: A Commemorative History of the Detroit Human Rights Department, 1943-1983" [1983]; Los Angeles Times, Feb. 6, 1966, DRSB No.1; United States Commission on Civil Rights, Hearings, Detroit, Michigan, 1960 (Washington: GPO, 1961), pp. 26-27; Shogan and Craig, Detroit Riot, pp. 123-24. 7. Civil Rights Commission, Hearings, pp. 18, 197-98; CCR, "Annual Report, 1961," pp. 6-8. 8. Research Division, City Plan Commission, "An Economic Base Study of the Detroit Metropolitan Area," Dec. 1961, Box 535, JPC Papers; Widick, Detroit, pp. 137-39; Conot, Odyssey, pp. 452-55; Steve Babson, Working Detroit: The Making of a Union Town (New York: Adama Books, 1984), pp. 161-62; United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Census 467 468 Notes to Pages 3-5 of Population and Housing, 1960, Final Report Series, Census Tracts, Detroit, Michigan (Washington: GPO, 1961), pp. 200, 262; Executive Director's Report, 1961, Box 12, DUL Papers; CCR, Employment and Income by Age, Sex, Color and Residence, May 1963, p. 12, Box 9, Francis A. Kornegay Papers, MHC; Civil Rights Commission, Hearings, p. 86. 9. Research Division, CCR, The Detroit Area Setting . .. , June 1962, pp. 1, 4, Box 22, DUL Papers; Research Department, DUL, A Profile of the Detroit Negro, 1959-1967, Dec. 1967, pp. 3-4, Box 45, ibid. 10. Stanley B. Greenberg, Politics and Poverty (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1974), pp. 35-36; DFP, Mar. 9, 1969; Hubert G. Locke, The Detroit Riot of 1967 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969), p. 53; Detroit Housing Commission, Quarterly Report to the Commissioners, Second Quarter, 1971, p. 5; Harold Bellamy to Richard Strichartz, Aug. 14, 1967, Box 393, JPC Papers; Harold Black and James Wiley, "Dissecting a Riot Neighborhood," Nation's Cities 6 (Sept. 1968): 20; Survey to Determine Attitude of Residents ... , Oct. 8, 1959, Box 51, DUL Papers; "Twelfth Street Study" [1961], Box A-8, ibid.; CCR Minutes, July 16, 1962, Series IV, Box 4, CCR Papers. 11. Black and Wiley, "Riot Neighborhood," p. 20; George Henderson, "Twelfth Street ... ," Phylon 25 (Spring 1964): 91; Michigan Catholic, Aug. 3, 1967; Bellamy to Strichartz, Aug. 14, 1967, Box 393, JPC Papers; "Community Data," n.d., Box 77, NACCD Records; Conot, Odyssey, pp. 435-36; National Commission on Urban Problems, Hearings, 5 vols. (Washington: GPO, 1968), 5:10. 12. DFP, July 24, 1967; DN, July 24, 1967; Van Gordon Sauter and Burleigh Hines, Nightmare in Detroit (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1968), pp. 1-2; National Commission on Urban Problems, Hearings, 5:10; Michigan Catholic, Aug. 3, 1967; J. Anthony Lukas, "Postscript on Detroit: 'Whitey Hasn't Got the Message,''' NYT Magazine, Aug. 27, 1967; Capture and Record of Civil Disorder , July 23-28,1967, Box 345, GR Papers; Detroit Housing Commission, Quarterly Report, Second Quarter 1971, pp. 5-6. 13. DN, July 24, 1967; Black and Wiley, "Riot Neighborhood," p. 20; William Walter Scott III, Hurt, Baby, Hurt (Ann...
