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Hat Tricks Jar the Word Warriors It's something you do with sounds pulling them like filmy silks one after another after another from the illusion of bottom until they stream forth like singing rivers of color lifting voiceaftershapeaftersoundafter endless alphabet scales falling up in serpentine spirals of beauty. It's something you do with words sculpting them from the clay of silence joining their dictionary bodies until nouns couple tumble over verbsadverbsconjunctions molding them together until they take form under the wand of your muse rise up as rabbits or birds magic or truth. It's something you do with hollowness the empty dark container of self absence turned inside out with longing nothing up my sleeve endlessly probing the void of the unwritten searching for language, vision, incantation to unlock the tongue 87 88 cut the strings of reluctance that hold stories back captured in the black hat of negative space until spoken they come untethered escape levitate in the ecstasy of expression and you fill each aching absence with poetry. ...
