In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents Acknowledgments ix I N T R o D U C T I o N 3 C H A P T e R o N e : Tracing the Topos of the Eternal Russian Traveler Karamzin’s Letters of a Russian Traveler and Dostoevsky’s Winter Notes on Summer Impressions 23 C H A P T e R T w o : Chaadaev’s Wayward Russia Capturing the Trace of an errant History 47 C H A P T e R T H R e e : A Poet Astray Pushkin and the Image of a Nomadic wanderer 81 C H A P T e R F o U R : “A Journey around the World by I. Oblomov” Goncharov’s Unlikely eternal Russian Traveler 113 C H A P T e R F I v e : A Radical at Large Alexander Herzen and the Autobiography of a Russian wanderer 144 C o N C L U s I o N 175 Notes 185 Bibliography 219 Index 235 This Page intentionally left blank ...
