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Index Aleksandr, Bishop of Viatka, 41–42 Aleksei Mikhailovich, Tsar (1645–1676), 33, 36, 38, 45, 58, 66, 72, 75, 93, 179 Alexander I, 109–11, 159–60 Alexander III, 110–11 alleluia (double or triple), 39, 42, 79–83 Amvrosii, Old Believer bishop, 101–2 Anna of Kashin, 44 Antichrist, 50–51, 60–61, 120–22, 163, 179–80 Antifeodal’nyi protest uralo-sibirskikh krest’ian staroobriadtsev v XVIII v., 172–74 archeographic expeditions. See research expeditions Arsenius (Arsenii), 78, 89 Artem’ev, Tereshka, 105 Avraamii, 41–43, 48, 72–91, 93–96, 119; Christian’s Secure Shield of Faith, 41, 74–75, 80, 89 Avvakum, 10, 12, 25, 33, 37, 40–42, 47–49, 53, 55, 57, 71–75, 80, 84, 87–89, 91–96, 119, 130, 133–34 Baidin, Viktor Ivanovich, 177 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 18 Barsov, Elpidifor Vasil’evich, 120 beglopopovtsy, 101 beguny, 10, 24, 116, 184–85, 189 Belaia Krinitsa. See Belokrinitskaia hierarchy Belokrinitskaia hierarchy (Belokrinitsy), 101–2, 109, 162 bespopovtsy, 7, 14, 20, 123, 185, 192 Billington, James, 13 bogadel’nia (bogadelennye doma) (charitable institution, almshouse), 105, 109–14 Bogdanov, Sila, 40–41, 45 Borisov, Andrei, 24, 135–219: “life” of Andrei Denisov by, 137, 143–8, 151; sermons of, 137, 148–51 Bubnov, Nikolai Iur’evich, 71, 73–75, 89 Bushkovitch, Paul, 87, 95–96 Bynum, Carolyn Walker, 95 Catherine II, 21, 109–10, 139–40, 153, 158–9, 161 cenobitic (monastic community), 100, 103–9, 117, 131 charitable institution. See bogadeln’ia chasovennye, 102–3, 109, 116–17, 176–77, 187, 189 Cheremshan, 108–9 Cherniavsky, Michael, viii–x, 11,179 Chistov, Kirill Vasil’evich, 184 Chubykinsk (Old Believer community, St. Petersburg), 112–13 Chumicheva, Ol’ga Valer’evna, 181–82, 186–87 confessionalization, 32, 38, 40, 44–46 Councils of 1666–1667, 69, 74 cross, sign of (two-finger vs. three-finger), 39–42, 63–64, 71–73, 78–82, 89, 92 cultural system, 22–23, 68–77, 79–84, 119, 159 D’iakonovy Otvety, 144, 183 Danilov, Vasilii, 138, 143 Dashkov, A. V., 141, 162 Demkova, Natal’ia Sergeevna, 105, 190 Denisov brothers, 48, 105, 119–35, 140, 143, 148, 180 260 Index Denisov, Andrei, 105, 120–21, 124–26, 137–38, 143–48, 151, 153 Denisov, Semen, 49, 54, 91, 94, 119–27, 130–34, 182 Denisova, Solomoniia, 127 Diderot, Denis, 154–55 Dmitrii, Metropolitan of Rostov, 54 Don Cossacks, 20–21, 46, 116 Druzhinin, Vasilii Grigor’evich, 72–73, 137, 146 Duffy, Eamon, 41 dukhovnye stikhi (spiritual verses), 23, 50, 70–71 ecclesiastical historiography, 8–14, 69, 157–58, 174–75, 187–88, 191 edinoglasie, 35, 39 edinoverie (edinovertsy), 108, 161–62, 177 Ekaterinburg, 14, 169, 177–79 Elizabeth, Empress (1741–1762), 161 Emel’ianov, Vasilii, 141–42, 151–53 Ephraem Syrus (Efrem Sirin), Saint, 61, 79 Epifanii, 41–42, 71–72, 74, 88, 91, 93–96 Evfimii (founder of beguny), 184–85 Evfrosin (Old Believer polemicist), 47–49, 54, 57 fasting, 43, 59–61, 126–27, 136 Fedor, Deacon, 41–42, 71–76, 81–82, 89, 94–95, 119, 136 Fedoseevtsy, 101, 109, 112–14, 137, 140–41, 185 Feodosii Vasil’ev, 102–3 Fedotov, G. P., 120 Filippov, Ivan (historian of Vyg), 49, 105, 120, 126–27, 130–31, 134, 143–44, 181–82 Filippovtsy, 101, 116, 140–41, 179, 184 Filipp, elder, 161 Florence Council of, 39, 75, 77 Freemasonry. See Masons Freeze, Gregory, 25, 50 Galanin, Miron Ivanovich, 188 Geertz, Clifford, 15, 68–69 Gerasim Firsov, 81, 181 Ginzburg, Carlo, 20, 53 Golubinskii, Evgenii Evstigneevich, 9 Goriacheva, Tat’iana Dmitrievna, 112–14 government policy toward the Old Believers , 45–47, 50–51, 160–64 Grammatika of 1595, 81 Grebenshchikovskaia Obshchina (Riga), 115–16 Griboedov, Fedor, 134 Guchkov, F. A., 114 Gur’ianova, Natal’ia Sergeevna, xi, xiii, 13, 179–84, 187–89 Gurevich, Aron Iakovlevich, 18 hagiography, 85–88, 91–96, 122, 133 Hildermeier, Manfred, 13 historiography of Old Belief. See ecclesiastical historiography; populist historiography; western historiography Ignatii, Metropolitan of Siberia, 54, 57 Ilarion, Archbishop of Riazan’, 43, 45, 59 Ioasaf, Patriarch, 34–35, 38 Irgiz, 107–9, 116, 161 Istoriia o ottsekh i stradal’tsekh Solovetskikh, 120, 182 Iukhimenko, Elena Mikhailovna, xi, xviii, 106, 112, 133, 180, 182, 191 Ivan Alekseev, 102–3 Jesuit. See Ukrainian scholarship/influence Jesus prayer, 133–34 Joseph of Volokolamsk, 76, 122–23 Kapiton, 12, 43, 48, 52–66, 125–26 Kapitonovshchina, 14, 44, 52–67 Kapterev, Nikolai Fedorovich, 9 Kerzhenets, 49, 91, 102, 106, 160, 176 Kirillova kniga...
