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Notes Abbreviations AAE—Akty, sobrannye v bibliotekakh i arkhivakh Rossiiskoi imperii Arkheograficheskoiu ekspeditsieiu Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk. 4 vols. St. Petersburg, 1836–1858. AI—Akty istoricheskie, sobrannye i izdannye Arkheograficheskoiu komissieiu. 5 vols. St. Petersburg, 1841–1843. BAN—Biblioteka Akademii Nauk. St. Petersburg. Barsukov, Pamiatniki—Barsukov, Ia. I., ed. Pamiatniki pervykh let russkago staroobriadchestva . Letopis’ zaniatii Arkheograficheskoi Komissii 24 (1912): 1–424. GIM—Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskii Muzei. Moscow. IRLI—Institut russkoi literatury (Pushkin House/Pushkinskii Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. LZAK—Letopis’ zaniatii Arkheograficheskoi Komissii. 35 vols. St. Petersburg, 1861–1927/28. ChOIDR—Chteniia v Imperatorskom Obshchestve Istorii i Drevnostei Rossiiskikh pri Moskovskom Universitete. 264 vols. Moscow, 1846–1918. PSZ—Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii. Sobranie pervoe, 45 vols. St. Petersburg, 1830–1843. RGB—Rossiiskaia Gosudarstvennaia Biblioteka. St. Petersburg. RGADA—Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Drevnikh Aktov. Moscow. RNB—Rossiiskaia Natsional’naia Biblioteka. Moscow. Subbotin, Materialy—Subbotin, N. I., ed. Materialy dlia istorii raskola za pervoe vremia ego sushchestvovaniia. 9 vols. Moscow, 1874–1890. TODRL—Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury. Leningrad–St. Petersburg, 1934– . 1—Past and Current Interpretations of Old Belief 1. For a survey of some of this literature and its possible implications for Old Belief, see Robert O. Crummey, “Old Belief as Popular Religion: New Approaches,” Slavic Review 52 (1993): 700–712. Republished as chapter 2 of this volume. 196 Notes to Pages 7–9 2. Georg B. Michels, “Myths and Realities of the Russian Schism: The Church and Its Dissenters in Seventeenth-Century Muscovy” (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1991), and his At War with the Church: Religious Dissent in Seventeenth-Century Russia (Stanford, 1999). 3. See Juha Pentikäinen, “Oral Repertoire and World View: An Anthropological Study of Marina Takalo’s Life History,” FF Communications 93, no. 219 (1978). 4. The Novosibirsk conference on Old Belief in September 1990 will serve as the chronological limit of my remarks. The papers were published in Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material’naia kul’tura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Azii i Ameriki: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Novosibirsk, 1992). 5. For a brief review of early Old Believer polemical literature, see Robert O. Crummey, “The Origins of the Old Believers’ Cultural Systems: The Works of Avraamii,” Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte 50 (1994): 121–38, here 125–27, republished as chapter 5 of this volume. By far the most comprehensive recent studies of the early Old Believer manuscript tradition are N. Iu. Bubnov, “Staroobriadcheskaia kniga v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XVII v.” (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Leningrad, 1990), and his Staroobriadcheskaia kniga v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XVII v.: Istochniki, tipy i evoliutsiia (St. Petersburg, 1995). 6. For a brief summary of governmental policy, see Robert O. Crummey, “Interpreting the Fate of Old Believer Communities in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” in Stephen K. Batalden, ed., Seeking God: The Recovery of Religious Identity in Orthodox Russia, Ukraine and Georgia (DeKalb, IL, 1993), 144–59, here 149–53, republished as chapter 11 of this volume. For comment on the perception that the Old Believers were a source of moral anarchy, see Gregory L. Freeze, “Bringing Order to the Russian Family: Marriage and Divorce in Imperial Russia, 1760–1860,” Journal of Modern History 62 (1990): 709–46, here 746. 7. See Michael Cherniavsky’s provocative discussion of these two currents in “The Old Believers and the New Religion,” Slavic Review 25 (1966): 1–39, here 1–3. 8. Makarii, Istoriia russkago raskola izvestnago pod imenem staroobriadchestva (St. Petersburg, 1855); P. S. Smirnov, Istoriia russkago raskola staroobriadchestva, 2nd. ed. (St. Petersburg, 1895). 9. Subbotin’s anti–Old Believer animus, arising from a conservative Nikolaevan striving for a Russia unified in ideology and moral values, is particularly clear in his writings on the Belokrinitsa hierarchy, for example, Istoriia Belokrinitskoi ierarkhii, vol. 1 (Moscow, 1874). 10. Especially, N. I. Subbotin, ed., Materialy dlia istorii raskola za pervoe vremia ego sushchestvovaniia, 9 vols. (Moscow, 1874–1890). 11. N. Iu. Bubnov, Staroobriadcheskaia kniga v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XVII v. (dissertation abstract) (Leningrad, 1990), 9–10. 12. P. S. Smirnov, Vnutrennye voprosy v raskole v XVII veke (St. Petersburg, 1898); Iz istorii raskola pervoi poloviny XVIII veka (St. Petersburg, 1908); and Spory i razdeleniia v russkom raskole v pervoi chetverti XVIII veka (St. Petersburg, 1909). 13. E. E. Golubinskii, K nashei polemike s staroobriadtsami (Moscow, 1905). Also published in ChOIDR, 1905, book iii, 1–260. 14. N. F. Kapterev, Patriarkh Nikon i Tsar’ Aleksei Mikhailovich, 2 vols. (Sergiev Posad, 1909). Subbotin did his best to suppress Kapterev’s work...
