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459 Index Aberdare volcanic complex, 112 accumulating agents, 10 Acheulean sites: paleobotany studies, 379–83; pollen and macrobotanical samples, 365–66 adaptations, ecological, 17–18 aepycerotin bovids, 12 Afar Basin/Depression, 113, 133, 136, 327 aggression, intergroup, 415 Ain Hanech, 327 Alcelaphini (alcelaphin bovids), 11–12, 15 Algeria, 125, 137, 327 alkaline earth elements: in Plio-Pleistocene bone, 285–89; trace element analyses , 282–85 allochthonous assemblages, 9 Amboseli National Park, 360, 362 analogies, 12, 438–39; population structure, 445–47; seed-eater, 440–45; using cercopithecoid monkeys, 447–48 analogs: apes and monkeys as, 437–38; modern vegetation, 373–74 Antarctica, 110–11, 130, 139 Antelopini (antilopin bovids), 11–12 Antrocaryon fruit, 371 ants, chimpanzee fishing for, 405 apes, 21, 231–33, 234; as human models, 437–38; postcranial morphologies, 173, 174–75 Arabia, dust from, 125, 132 Aramis, 11, 298, 300, 309 arboreality, of australopiths, 167, 169, 182–83, 186–87 arboreal substrate use, 13 archaeological assemblages, 325–26; Oldowan, 329–42; site integrity, 327–29 Ardipithecus, 11, 175, 178 Ardipithecus kadabba, 163; skeletal structure, 178–79 Ardipithecus ramidus, 163, 164, 298; at Gona, 75, 78; C4 grass associations, 87, 90; paleoenvironmental context of, 93–94; skeletal structure, 178–79 arid habitats, 6, 11–12 aridity, 87, 125, 132, 136, 137, 311, 372 artifacts, and sedimentary contexts, 54–55. See also stone tools artiodactyls, 12 Asbole, 309 atmospheric circulation, 122 Australopithecus, 12, 15, 182, 229, 288, 446; arboreality, 167, 169, 186–87; craniofacial functional morphology, 204–5; diets, 293–98, 301–3; foot structure, 165–67; locomotor behavior, 163, 164–65, 179–86; Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. index 460 muscle configuration, 177–78; pollen analyses , 374–75; skeletal structure, 168, 170–73, 175, 176; stable isotope analysis of, 294, 295 Australopithecus afarensis, 24; arboreality, 167, 169, 182–83; bipedality of, 179–81; dietary habits, 261, 298, 302, 303; at Gona, 75, 78; at Hadar, 375–76; locomotor behavior, 163, 164, 178, 183–86; skeletal structure, 175, 176, 177 Australopithecus africanus, 204, 228, 288; carbon isotope data in, 294, 295, 296, 300, 306; craniomandibular structure and, 219, 221–22; dental microwear, 205, 253, 265; dental topographic analysis, 234–36; dietary habits, 261, 293; jaw form and diet, 212, 236–37; locomotor behavior, 164, 184–85; seed-eater analogy, 440, 441 Australopithecus anamensis, 183–84, 261, 302 Australopithecus bahrelghazali, 298, 303 Australopithecus boisei, 185. See also Paranthropus boisei Australopithecus garhi, 185–86 Australopithecus robustus, 185. See also Paranthropus robustus Australopithecus sediba, 295 autochthonous assemblages, 9 Awash National Park (Ethiopia), 257 Awash River, 7, 75, 75, 80, 81, 89, 90 baboons, 286, 303, 362; as analog, 212, 447–48; dental morphology, 282, 440–41; as early human models, 397–98; gelada (Theropithecus), 11, 296, 298; hamadryas (Papio hamadryas), 257, 259 Baringo, 89, 90 Baringo, Lake, 112, 144 Baringo-Bogoria basin, 115; lake formation, 113, 125, 127, 133, 140–42 Barrier volcano complex, 112 barium (Ba): in Plio-Pleistocene bone, 285–89; trace element analysis, 282–83, 284 Barsemoi diatomite package, 126, 127 Basal Member (Hadar), 24 basins, East African Rift Valley, 112, 113 BC. See Benguela Current bear analogy, 212 behavioral reconstructions, 416–17; chimpanzee models, 411–22; homology in, 398–99, 419–21 BEM. See best extant models Benguela Current (BC), 116 Bering Straits, 130 best extant models (BEM), and analogies, 438, 448–51 bifurcations, climate thresholds, 106–8 Binford, Lewis, 328, 338 bioapatite: carbon isotope studies of, 291–92; oxygen isotope studies of, 300, 310–11 biochemical processes, 37 biochemical particles, 37 bioclastic facies, 45 biogenic sediment particles, 37 biogeochemical studies, 282, 311–12. See also by type biolithite, cryptalgal, 50 biomarkers, of climate change, 127–28 biomechanics: of food fracture, 205–8; jaw form and function, 209–10, 213–14, 219–22, 223, 224 biotic changes, and tectonic events, 112–13 bipedality, 163, 164; australopith, 167, 169; Australopithecus afarensis, 179–81 bone, 291, 292, 326; alkaline earth metals in, 285–89; mechanics of, 213–14, 220(table), 221; modified, 10, 334, 339–41; trace element analysis, 282–85 bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus), 11 bonobos (Pan paniscus), 334, 450; as hominin models, 412, 421–22 Bossou, 405 Bouri, 341, 342 Bouri Formation, 185, 187 Bovidae (bovids), 133, 142, 304; climate change and, 25–26; ecomorphology of, 13, 15, 16; habitat reconstruction, 11–12 Braun-Blanquet survey method, 363 browsers, 21, 262–63, 296, 311 Buffalo Cave flowstone, oxygen isotope records, 125, 127 Burgi Member, 50, 52–53 bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus), 11 bushland, and C4 plants, 62 Busidima Formation...
