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567 Index Numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Numbers in boldface are main sections. abortion, 208, 210 Adams, Abigail, 521n123 Ades, Dawn 221, 251n150, 253n173, 253n177, 254n180, 474n129 Advaita Vedānta, 56, 75n143 agonistic inamic unity, 137–83; ambiguity of, 13, 146, 149, 151, 153, 157–59, 161–62, 165, 166, 170–72, 194, 214, 394, 402, 505, 527 (see also ambiguity under subjects; crossroads); defined as struggle (agon), and namiqui-rooted words, 13, 137, 143–48, 152–53, 452, 503 (see also marriage); and duality as organizing principle, 143 (see also dualism); as modus operandi of teotl or cosmos, 14, 80, 140, 185, 189, 448, 455–65; motifs or artistic presentations of, 159–64; as root metaphor for wholeness, 153, 370; as weaving, 140–43. See also Aztec process metaphysics; balance or balancing; center or centering; inamic pairs; nepantla motion-change agriculture. See Rain, Moisture, and Agricultural Fertility deity complex Albers, Anni, 514n2 Aldana, Geraldo, 215 aletheia. See well-rootedness (neltiliztli) Allen, Paula Gunn, 93, 135n193 altars or mesas, 133n169, 508; Templo Mayor as grand, 110 altepetl (city-state), 105, 191, 271 Alvarado Tezozomoc, Hernando, 11, 366, 385–86 Ames, Roger, 37, 97, 64n10, 66n19, 178n52, 242n4 Amith, Jonathan, 332n38 Anawalt, Patricia Rieff, 262, 385, 512 Anderson, Arthur J. O., 61, 299, 362, 364, 390, 400 Anderson, Marilyn, 486, 492 Andrews, J. Richard, 40, 66, 89, 467n20, 485n20, 520n111 animism, 74n140, 79, 92, 114–16, 193; and animistic or vital forces, vitality, energies, souls, or spirits, 33, 60, 189, 190, 195, 495, 505; as problematic term, 135n196. See also names of vital life forces; pantheism Annals of Cuauhtitlan, 212, 213–14, 226, 297, 313–14, 436, 440–43 anthropomorphism, 36, 80, 82–85, 90, 119, 136n218, 159. See also human body Aquiauhtzin, 39 Aquinas or Augustine (saints), 7 archaeology, 3, 11, 246n74 architecture: conveying teotl or unity, 110, 160, 164, 233, 402, 508. See also Templo Mayor Aristotle, 6, 26, 27, 148, 150 arithmetic, 219. See also numbers or numerology; time and calendars astronomy, 11, 221–22, 253n173, 254n180, 441; and astrology, 428; Aztec horizon, 227, 456; as skywatching, 227–28, 228, 229, 498; and solar day, 446, 463–64. See also cosmology ; day or days; directions, cardinal; solstice or equinox; time-place; zenith INDEX 568 Atemoztli festival, 377, 379, 382, 493 atl tlachinolli (flaming water) ideogram, 257n228, 320–21, 321, 500. See also Fifth Age; warfare or combat Aveni, Anthony, 227, 229, 233, 346n305, 498 axis mundi: as channel of malinalli energy, 317–19 (see also fire, drilling; spinning); as stabilizing center or navel, 100, 105, 110, 298, 301, 316–17, 385–86, 487 (see also center or centering; navel or umbilicus); as yollo (axis), 222. See also Templo Mayor; teyolia (vital force) Ayocuan Cuetzpaltzin, 5 Aztec philosophers: as Nahua tlamátiquetl (person of knowledge), 42; as tlamatinime (knowers of things), 1, 15, 29, 38, 152, 155, 523, 524, 526–27; as tlateumatini (knowledgeable of teotl), 108. See also epistemology; metaphysics or philosophy Aztec priests or tolmatinime (those who are wise in words), 105, 106. See also religion or theology Aztec process metaphysics, 43–62; as agonistic inamic unity, 137–83; as ambiguous, 27, 157–59, 165 (see also olin motion-change); approach to understanding, 1–20, 185–86; assumptions alien to, 4, 7, 16n5, 40, 47, 60, 117, 135n196, 438, 461, 506; as atheistic, 119 (see also deity); as biological organism or ecosystem, 28–29, 87, 142, 178n57, 420, 429, 431; as ceaseless movement, change, or transformation, 12–13, 24, 27, 140, 153, 242n1, 242n5, 252n169, 252n171, 254n182, 523; as a cosmogonic, 24, 466–48 (see also cosmogony); defined by adverbs (e.g., how, not what), or gerunds (e.g., becoming), 25, 56, 57, 64n10, 102, 140, 153, 170, 360–64, 428–30; defined as balanced or centered, 137–40, 168–69, 224–27, 479–83 (see also balance or balancing; center or centering; middle or middling; nepantla motionchange ); defined by chance, 202; defined by qualitative intensity, 99, 271, 419, 425, 471n61; defined by relationalism, vs. substantivalism , 148, 150, 420–21, 452–65 (see also time-place); as holistic, 28–29, 148–52, 460, 502, 513; importance of metaphors or kennings in, 2, 3, 28, 81, 84, 85, 87, 141–43, 173n12, 178n52, 178n57, 273, 370, 506, 509, 510, 525; importance of pattern or shape in, 139–40, 189, 403, 479; as macroprocess, 28, 87, 88, 168, 185, 455–64, 513; as monism (ontological , constitutional, dual-aspect), 12, 13, 21–22, 33, 40, 42, 47–62, 79...
