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227 Index abandonment: of Naco Valley, 22–23, 32; Vacant Quarter, 61, 62–63, 64, 76 Acre, 3–4 Açutuba site, 12–13 Adams mound site, 74 agency models, 2, 205 agrarian land reform, in Honduras, 32 Agria fan, 28 agricultural models, 206 agriculture: Camaná Valley, 158–66; Cerén, 175, 179–98; Copán Valley, 135–36, 137– 38, 139–42, 146, 153(n7); computer simulations of, 110–11; dark earth fields, 5–8; eastern North America, 207–17; economic modeling in, 109–10; intensification of, 4, 23, 25; Maya, 112, 115–19, 121–22, 132, 176–78, 197–98; Mimbres Mogollon, 86, 91–93; Mississippian polities , 64–70; Palmarejo region, 33–34 agroecosystems, Mimbres Mogollon, 91–93 agroforestry, Amazonian, 4 Agua Sucia fan, 28 Alazán maize race, 166 Algonquians, 209 alluvial fans, Naco Valley, 27–28, 36, 39, 47 Amarillo East, Rio, 134, 135, 138 Amarillo West, Rio, 134, 138 Amazonia: anthropogenic soils, 13–14; population estimates, 3–4, 5–13; social organization , 1–2; terra preta in, xv–xvi, 4–5 Amazonian Dark Earths, 4–5, 14; deposition rate, 8–9; fallow periods, 6–7; and population estimates, 9–13 American Bottom, 62, 216; population collapse in, 72–73, 73, 75, 76–77 Andalex mound site, 74, 75 Angel mound site, 74, 75 Anglo-Americans, 214; on maize production, 207, 208–10 anthropogenic soils, in Amazonia, xv–xvi, 2, 3. See also Amazonian Dark Earths Appalachia, 209 Arnold site, 75 auger probes, Palmarejo region soils, 40–47 Averbuch site, 75 Bajo de Petapilla, pollen cores, 141–42 Baking Pot: cash cropping, 125–26; EPIC program at, xvi, 112, 116–19, 126–27; description of, 113–14; land use simulations, 115–16; maize production and population estimates, 122–25; soils at, 119–22, 127–28(n2) Bartram, John, 209 Bartram, William, 209 bean (Phaseolus sp.) production, 7, 137; Baking Pot, 123, 124; Camaná Valley, 164, 165; Cerén, 180, 183, 188 Beckwith’s Fort, 73 bedrock, Naco Valley, 27 Belize, 112, 113; EPIC simulations at, 116–19 Belize River Valley, 113–14; cacao production, 125–26 berms, Amazonian, 3 biodiversity, zoned, 182–83 Black Earth site, 9 Bolivia, 3 Brock Church Pike Mounds, 74 burial populations, and population estimate, 9–10 Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. index 228 Caborn-Welborn phase, 75–76 cacao (Theobroma cacao) production, 125–26, 182 Cahokia, collapse of, 72–73, 73, 76–77 Cairo Lowland, 73 calabash fruit (Crescetia sp.), 182 Calcic Arguidolls (Mollisols), in Naco Valley, 33, 39, 47 calcium, 9, 11 Callahan-Thompson site, 75 caloric intake, 166 Camaná. See La Villa Hermosa de Camaná Camaná Valley, 157; EPIC program, xvi, 163–66; population estimates, 158–60, 167–71; subsistence , 162–63 Camoatán forests, 49 Campo Nuevo, 32 canals, Camaná Valley, 161, 162 Caracol, 114 Carrier Mill, 11 cash cropping, 125–26, 170 Castalian Springs mound site, 74 Catherwood, Fredrick, 132, 176 cattle raising, 33 cemeteries, looted, 158, 170, 171 Central Amazon, ecology and social organization , 1–2 Central Farm, soil productivity, 116, 118, 124 ceremonial cycle, reciprocity in, 100 Cerén, 175; agriculture at, 197–98; archaeological research at, 180–83; description of, 179– 80; ground-penetrating radar use at, 185–86; maize fields at, 183–85; manioc production at, 190–97; soil productivity, 186–89 Chamelecón River, 28, 32, 48 Chapalote maize, 113 checkdams, 91 Cherokee, 209 Chickasaw, 209 chiefdoms: Copán Valley, 150–51; Mississippian, xvi, 61, 63–64 chili (Capsicum anuum), 182 Chorro soils, 119 Classic period (Maya), xiv, 131; agriculture, 132, 175; demography and subsistence, 176–78; elite control during, 147–49; population estimates, 146, 179; root crop production, 190–97 Classic period (Mimbres), xvi; maize production and population in, 97–101; population estimates, 87, 89–90, 101–2; social organization , 85–86 climate, xiv, xv, xvi, 113, 114, 135, 152(n1); Mimbres Mogollon and, 86, 87, 102–3(n1); Peruvian coast, 161, 163 Colca, Rio, 157 Colonial period, eastern North America, 213–15 computer simulation, of population estimates, 110–11 Copán, 131, 132; labor force, 147–49 Copán Pocket (Rio Copán), 135, 138, 147; agricultural production models, 139, 140, 141; occupation of, 150–51 Copán Valley, 131, 132, 152(nn1, 5), 216; agricultural production models in, 139–40; deforestation , 141–42; elite labor needs, 147–50, 150, 153(n8); EPIC program, xvi, 25, 112, 136–38; physical environment, 134, 134–35; population estimates, 142–50, 152–53(nn2, 3, 6); sociopolitical structure in, 150–51; soils...
